11 moisturizer error must stop!

Hello ladies, apply a moisturizer right, is an art. we all make many mistakes in the application of our moisturizer, one of them rub too h...

Ms. forums GupShup

Hello ladies,

apply a moisturizer right, is an art. we all make many mistakes in the application of our moisturizer, one of them rub too hard! We can make the skin moisturizer pat or we can use light to apply upward movements of the fingers. Well, that was just the basics; we will discover some of the mistakes we make in connection with moisture.

11 moisturizer error must stop!

Apply a moisturizer for dry skin

Do you want all the drinking you can see to get out of your moisturizer, right? Dry skin has to create an accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface of a layer on the skin. This layer does not allow moisture to seep through. Therefore, apply moisturizer to damp skin to lock moisture.

Choosing the wrong moisturizer

Light day cream for all skin types

You may think that your product does not work for you, and you may be right. to avoid side potentially harmful chemical ingredients, such as perfumes, oils, parabens and taste, you need a natural product that works best for your unique skin type. Types of dry skin recover usually with coconut oil, while the vulnerable can promote acne grapeseed or avocado oil.

Apply a moisturizer incoherent

Our skin tends to fall into a routine to a certain routine drinking can be, just try to stay with it. Your skin will respond positively if you follow a skincare routine religiously.

Moisture Never Change

Starts Skin Care Clinic

Our skin changes with age; Moreover, use some changes in your body can change the effectiveness of we moisturizer. Our skin needs different moisturizers for different seasons. So do not feel clean when you made just a moisturizer. Try to change your skin care routine after a certain time or in different seasons.

Forgetting the neck

This is one of the biggest mistakes we make as a moisturizer is applied: we apply it in the neck forgotten. So always remember how to apply a moisturizer to the neck and chest.

The most expensive products = High Quality

Do not think just blindly follow the leading brands, they are the best. Sometimes the brand is moisturizer pharmacy works better than upscale. So do not be afraid to try brands than the central region.

Skip the moisturizer when your skin is oily

Transfer Sheets for women oily skin

This is the most common mistake that oily skin does not need moisture, but that is simply not true. A moisturizer oil-based and can you look fat clog pores, but moisturizer or a water-based gel is a perfect hydration for oily skin.

The choice of component (s) bad for your skin type

Your skin type is the key to determining the nature of the level of hydration must factor. Sensitive skin needs to stay away from perfume products. Dry skin needs ingredients rich in oil and moisturizing oily skin needs water or a gel base. So consider your skin type before you buy a moisturizer.

With moisturizer eye to reduce swelling

Did you know that moisturizing ingredients may include in the skin of water? Therefore, moisturizers and eye creams can make your eyes look even more swollen than usual! You can use the method of the cold spoon try swelling and reduce all moisturizers or eye creams in the morning, when you are ready.

Apply a moisturizing base, without establishing the time

after the base of a Creaming

Creaminess of a moisturizer can be Makeup disappear if he did not get the proper time to dry, which can lead stained with the implementation of makeup. So always give a moisturizer minutes to be absorbed and then apply makeup.

not peeling

Exfoliation removes dry and dead cells in the outermost layer of the skin moisturizer ensures that penetrate deep into the skin and maximum moisture care. So try to scrub at least once or twice a week for maximum benefit.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: 11 moisturizer error must stop!
11 moisturizer error must stop!
Water Based Moisturizer
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