Choose a moisturizer

yesterday | beauty Choose a moisturizer Alexx Pettinaro Keep your face moisturized in your routine skin care approach is the most impor...

yesterday | beauty

Choose a moisturizer

Alexx Pettinaro

Keep your face moisturized in your routine skin care approach is the most important. I talked to countless women whose moisturizers are not cut. It's time, certain types of skin to break, determine which products work best to keep a happy and healthy skin. Moisturizer can your skin against environmental influences and pollution while improving the look and feel to protect the skin.

Break into four categories on the skin:

Choosing a moisturizer | LV-leader The image

Oily / Acne / Combination - Oily skin usually occurs because your skin is unbalanced, which for a variety of reasons, occurs to wash your face too often the drugs that you are taking. Because of the imbalance, the skin produces more oil overcompensates. Using a moisturizer that is light, without the control oil or oil is the best way to help your skin stay balanced and ultimately produce less oil. Check for products that say "no" to what is to prevent a fancy word for a formulation clogged pores. A fact little fun, age slower oily skin than other skin types! So maybe it's not so bad?

You can not live without: Rods Co. skincare basic point and bio elements beyond drinking

Dry - Dry skin is inevitable, it happens to all of us sometimes. For me, it is in the winter months. Other reasons that may cause dry skin know with private humidity, aging or the loss of moisture in the shower. Stay away from dry skin, all despise, use a rich moisturizer that protects against moisture loss and contains hyaluronic acid. Another fun fact, hyaluronic acid may contain up to 1000 times its weight in water!

You can not live without: Fresh Lotus Youth SkinCeuticals Hydrating B5 Gel and Preserve

Normal - If you are lucky enough to have a healthy balance of moisture, keep the protection and enrichment beautiful skin you. The use of moisturizers that water-based and contain light oils are the best way to keep your skin healthy and balanced.

You can not live without: water Tatcha balanced Perfecting Gel and Bobbi Brown Vitamin Enriched Face Base pores

Sensitive - My skin tends to the sensitive side of the border. The other day I use a moisturizer that causes an immediate outbreak of rashes. Needless to say, the moisturizer and I have always broken. For sensitive skin, stick to simple moisturizers with ingredients that you can pronounce actually (and understand ... at least a little). Spend chemicals and / or harsh preservatives.

You can not live without: Tata Harper moisturizer refreshing and whipped DrunkElephant LaLa RetroTM

Bobbi Brown makeup in the manual, it is recommended to apply moisturizer after your face is clean and still wet (be sure to wash your hands before you touch your face! Bacteria hands and / or make-up brushes / tools can cause extensive) use a soup spoon average space heat in the hands and firm strokes apply upward. (Chapter 3, "skin", page 40)

Feel free moisturizer to try before you find the right one for your skin type. To keep the skin healthy, bright and balanced, make sure at least once to hydrate the day.





Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Choose a moisturizer
Choose a moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer
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