A moisturizer water-based or oil-based for you?

I was going through some of the comments and realized that a number of readers have mentioned that it is difficult to find the right moistu...

I was going through some of the comments and realized that a number of readers have mentioned that it is difficult to find the right moisturizer that works for your skin type. In fact, when asked, it is often difficult to recommend moisturizers because of different skin types. Should I hydrating creams use mostly water with oil or oil-based moisturizers that contains more oil and a little water?

So for those who have asked me that question, I thought I would this information, I will share found in skin types. Usually, the simplest information tells us about the four skin types - normal, dry, oily and combination - but this resource takes DermTV.com further and tells us that we should have in our type of oil and the water instead of our skin moisturizer to choose. Also, I think this article can answer to the previous question, why you need to moisturize after applying oil on the face, what kind grace is combined. Gracia was also mentioned that the oil had hindered the skin, and not to make well-hydrated skin.

According to Dr. Neal Schultz, our skin glands of the water, the oil glands and water form, to make the oil and have nothing to do with the other. It is the relative balance of oil and water on the surface of our skin for any type of gland is made, determines which of the four types of oil and water, we have the facial skin.

dry skin
His lack of water in the skin, not
oil. So you use a moisturizer - based oil - produce clear water again and correct the content of poor water and without the risk of collateral damage to the sebaceous glands.

oily skin
Your skin has too much oil and enough water. So you should not use a moisturizer oil-based, but an oil-free moisturizer.

Combination skin
The excess oil is usually in the T-zone and an insufficient water usually on the cheeks. Oil So you should never put on your face, because the fat combination skin needs a moisturizer that water based water shortage by the "dry" component caused restore combination skin.

Normal skin
Enough water and oil. R Schultz suggests that it is not necessary to use a moisturizer.

While most of them are useful, but I wonder if the rules are applied rigidly. I think it is also important to consider the time, for example. If I were in the winter and very cold, it may not be a good idea to use water-based moisturizer. Also, I'm currently using a moisturizer that works for all skin types, so I wonder where that one falls in. Finally, I do not consider the proposal a moisturizer for normal skin to use rather odd. Perhaps someone else to check if it is true that the moisturizer for people with normal skin is not necessary.

To use a moisturizer water-based or oil. And it is for your skin type based on the proposal by Dr. Neal Schultz of moisturizer oil-based type and suitable skin from water?

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: A moisturizer water-based or oil-based for you?
A moisturizer water-based or oil-based for you?
Water Based Moisturizer
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