Antiacne Prescription Drugs Market Trends, Analysis and Predictions 2016 - 2023 - Cryptocurrency News

Market prescription of anti - acne Acne is a common disease that leads to the formation of lesions or pimples. The disease is character...

Market prescription of anti - acne

Acne is a common disease that leads to the formation of lesions or pimples. The disease is characterized by an overproduction of sebum due to a high production of male hormones, called androgens, during puberty. Overactive hormone causes overproduction of sebum. Sebum is a fatty substance that forms on the sebaceous gland, which is just below the skin surface. Sebum is commonly known as a natural skin moisturizer. Excessive sebum secretion, however, leads to grain. Acne is characterized by the formation of nodules (big papules), comedones (black and white dots), seborrhoea (red, flaky skin), scars and grains.

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He reported that acne is a common problem among adolescents, as about 90% to 95% of males, and 83% and 85% of older teenagers are affected by 16-17 year olds. This disease tends to dissipate in average age, however, 20% of adolescents have acne, which can persist in adulthood. According to various sources estimated in 2010, about 650 million people were affected by acne. Acne has also been identified as the eighth most common disease worldwide.

It is known that acne occurs due to various factors such as hormonal factors, genetic factors, psychological factors, diet and infectious agents. Acne can not be permanently cured, but acne medications are available on the market and can prevent scarring. Various drugs available for the treatment of acne include retinoids, antiandrogens, hormone treatments, benzoyl peroxide, anti-seborrhea drugs, keratolytic soaps, alpha hydroxy acid, salicylic acid, and the like. other.

Market Prescription of Anti - Acne: Segmentation

The market for prescription acne acne medications can generally be classified according to the various medications available on the market. Accutane (isotretinoin), Desquam-E (benzoyl peroxide), Cleocin T (clindamycin phosphate), benzamycin, erythromycin topically (A / T / S, Erycette, T-Stat), Retin-A (tretinoin) and Minocin (minocycline hydrochloride) There are several Acne medications that are available in the market. In addition to the above medicines, tretinoin (Retin-A) is another popular remedy for acne currently available in the form of gels and creams. In addition, all of the above medicines are not prescription and can be used without medical consultation. Isotretinoin (Accutane), which is available in capsule form, is the drug that is only available by prescription. In addition, there are currently combination drugs that combine BenzaClin Clindamycin for acne with benzoyl peroxide to achieve effective acne treatment.

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Market Prescription of Anti - Acne: Geographic Dynamics

The market for prescription acne medications can also be broken down geographically into North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, and the rest of the world. Today, America has a majority in the world market for acne medications. The area of ​​this region has been observed due to the presence of a large number of pharmaceutical manufacturers, which means easy market penetration, high awareness of the population and an increase in the spread of acne. Ranbaxy Laboratories recently launched Absorica Capsules (isotretinoin) in the US market in 2012. This product is also a brand portfolio of dermatological products from Ranbaxy.

The Asian Pacific region is expected to grow significantly in the future due to changes in eating habits, lifestyle, and increased patient awareness. In addition, the growing penetration of pharmaceutical giants in Asia would also increase Asia's market share in the market for acne medicine. However, side effects associated with taking acne medications are an important factor that could hamper the growth of this market.

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Ranbaxy, Roche Diagnostics, Johnson & Johnson and other laboratories are some of the key players in this market.

The report provides a comprehensive assessment of the market. This is done through deep qualitative knowledge, historical data and verifiable market size projections. The projections presented in the report were calculated using best practices and research hypotheses. The research report serves as a benchmark for analysis and information on all aspects of the market, including regional markets, technologies, types and applications.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Antiacne Prescription Drugs Market Trends, Analysis and Predictions 2016 - 2023 - Cryptocurrency News
Antiacne Prescription Drugs Market Trends, Analysis and Predictions 2016 - 2023 - Cryptocurrency News
Water Based Moisturizer
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