Monkey Balls, Banana Apples and Horse Chestnuts: Answer all your questions about the Pittsburgh Tree - The Incline

It turns out that the trees of the monkey ball are big poplars. Besides the puns, we found out that the Pittsburghs were partic...

It turns out that the trees of the monkey ball are big poplars.

Besides the puns, we found out that the Pittsburghs were particularly interested in knowing the unique trees of our region. Questions and comments on the Pecsburgh Monkey Ball Tree, where you can ask your own questions about trees or other secrets of Pittsburgh and try to solve them.

Some readers have shared with us the monkey balls souvenirs, saying, "It's called a hill Lebanon road Osage road, we monkey balls rolling in cars!

For Anthony Boff, we seem to have answered a long-standing question: "Excellent article, I was wondering why our orange trees were planted by Osage. Our house was built in 1820 at Bethel Park."

And another reader told us: "Is sold by limelife from Alcone. This is a fantastic skin moisturizer, quite natural", the seed oil of the 'monkey ball. Yes, that seems to be genuine , although that we can not answer.

Many others shared their wonders on monkey balls and other trees. So we asked the experts to speak for the trees: Bonnie Isaac, director of the Botanical Museum of Natural History and Carnegie Joe Stavish, coordinator of popular education. in the pittsburgh tree. They say:

Is the inside of a monkey balls really latex? If so, can they be used for this purpose? If not, what can we do?

It turns out that about 10% of plants produce latex, but it does not mean that this is a usable product, explains Isaac.

"Most factories do not produce enough latex or produce a type of latex that requires much more processing, so it's not economical to use," he said. "The latex is produced by plants to protect them from consumption, and insects that feed on plants tend to avoid plants that produce latex."

Although research has focused on the use of plant latex in the manufacture of products, monkey spheres have not been used in this manner, said Stavish.

"Sometimes we get so new applications for the natural products: There might be a CMU student who says, 'Hey, I could study that,' he said.

Do monkey balls prevent moisture and are (possibly) a natural insect repellent?

Probably no.

"The osage (monkey balls) orange fruits contain about 80% water," said Isaac. "I do not see how that would prevent moisture from entering."

Stavish agreed, pointing out that they were quickly decomposing.

"I think you will have a big mess of fruit flies and rotten porridge," he said.

Are monkey ball trees doing fruit trees in the Caribbean bread ?


"The fruit trees of the bread ( Artocarpus altilis) and the trees of the monkey ball ( Maclura pomifera ) belong to the same family and the Moraceae family also contains figs and blackberries," said Isaac.

We use an apple tree on our farm, which we call the banana, because the apple had a banana flavor. who was

Can we try it first?

Second, Isaac said that there was actually an apple variety called Winter Banana Apple, which was native to the state of Indiana around 1875. It was introduced commercially in 1890.

"The winter banana apple is one of the few varieties of self-fertile apple, and most apples need a different apple variety to pollinate," he said. "Winter banana apples usually mature towards the end of October."

Apples, other than apples, were not native to North America, which means that the apples we've made today, such as Macintosh, Honeycrisp, or Red Delicious must know, Stavish explains. Banana apple variety was probably a relic created years ago and lost in time.

Can you tell me something about the tree "Topi"?

The questioner probably means "Toby Trees", according to Stavish's hypothesis.

"Toby" is a word that means the Yinzer Catalpa trees of north and south, known for their giant bean pods and heart-shaped leaves.

"Catalpa" is an Indian word of the Creek tribe, which means "head with wings", an indication of the petal of the flower.

People planted them at home, but they are not that common. The trees grow well near the water and attract there black and golden caterpillars.

Some call these "pure" trees, although Stavish does not really recommend smoking these bean pods as they get sick.

His name is a phrase from Pittsburgh, Stavish said, but "nothing can explain why people call them Toby Trees".

Where are all the chestnuts? I wanted to show my little son how we made rings and necklaces with them.

Buckeyes is closely associated with chestnuts found in various locations around Pittsburgh, including Schenley Park and Highland Park, said Isaac.

"You can also find chestnut trees in the forest in many parts of southwestern Pennsylvania," he added. "There are two types of horse chestnuts from southwestern Pennsylvania, Yellow Buckeye ( Aesculus flava ) and Ohio Buckeye ( Aesculus glabra )."

The trees, most of which people called "horse chestnut", are probably "chestnut trees," Stavish said. They are similar, except for the pod in which they grow. Chestnut and horse chestnut are poisonous to humans and are not edible, Stavish said.

Real chestnuts (American or Chinese chestnuts), like roasting in open fires, are different, he said.

Can you tell me more about our black walnut ?

Black walnuts ( Juglans nigra ) are closely related to the English nuts we buy in grocery stores, but black walnuts have a much harder shell and are very hard to break, said Isaac. The opening of black nuts also require a lot of time.

"They can buy cracked black walnuts, but because of the difficulty of breaking them, they are rarely made in large pieces and are quite expensive compared to English walnuts, and nuts also have a much stronger flavor." Nut biscuits specially designed to crack black nuts and nuts (belonging to the same family as nuts), "he added.

In addition, according to Stavish, people regard it as a "messy" tree because the rust rots and stains the colors.

"The average person has lost favor (for the tree) because of damage to the leaves and nuts," he said.

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Water Based Moisturizer: Monkey Balls, Banana Apples and Horse Chestnuts: Answer all your questions about the Pittsburgh Tree - The Incline
Monkey Balls, Banana Apples and Horse Chestnuts: Answer all your questions about the Pittsburgh Tree - The Incline
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