Baby Lotions for Newborns - Times of India

From the moment a child is born, it's pretty concrete, it's designed so that a father has to struggle with many decisions and decisi...

From the moment a child is born, it's pretty concrete, it's designed so that a father has to struggle with many decisions and decisions. From where you should use the bottle, to the body cream, which is applied soft and smooth on your skin. The range of products available on the market often confuses new parents.

Since no one has to disturb your baby's sensitive skin, we must choose to bring 7 baby creams that you can consider for your baby:

Some of the indicators to consider before deciding which one is best:

Choose a lotion tailored to your baby's skin type : Although most newborns' skin type remains soft, smooth and sensitive, your pediatrician can analyze and determine if your baby has a sensitive or oily skin type. , Choose a lotion accordingly.

Without parabens: We often hear this term when it comes to cosmetics and make-up. Choose a moisturizer for your baby that does not contain parabens.

No synthetic products or chemicals: Before deciding on an option, you should also check that the lotion contains no harsh chemicals that could damage your toddler's skin.

Johnson baby milk + rice lotion:
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Johnson is probably one of the oldest names in baby products that we all grew up with. It is a water-based moisturizer that is especially suitable for babies with sensitive skin. The lotion of such a traditional brand contains protein and milk nutrients and is clinically tested and tested by dermatologists.

Mee Mee gentle baby lotion:

This non-greasy lotion contains natural product concentrates and camomile extracts that gently soak your baby's skin. This lightweight formula absorbs instantly and contains cell reinforcements that protect your baby's skin from rash and irritation.

Lotus Herbal Baby + Tender Touch body lotion for babies:

Lotus Herbals is known for its natural and chemical-free products. This is a lotion recommended by a pediatrician, which is fortified with shea butter and the marigold is separated. It has been clinically proven to soothe your baby's skin and provide general protection.

Himalayan baby lotion:

The Himalayas need no introduction. This brand is one of the most established brands, created with Ayurveda and herbal products. This Himalayan moisturizer for children is incredibly gentle on your child's skin. Pre-treated with olive and almond oil and liquorice extrusion, soothes, soothes and guarantees the delicate skin of children and anticipates abrasion.

The natural baby lotion The Moms Co .:

This baby lotion contains a mixture of shea butter and cocoa as well as jojoba, natural wheat rice and apricot oil. Keeps the baby's skin saturated for a long time. It is soft and tender on the skin and contains no synthetic substances or toxins.

Johnson Baby Lotion:
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This lotion is another variant of the Johnson family and soothes your baby's skin for 24 hours after use. This is one of the best soothing scented baby creams that kids will love. The water-based children's moisturizer is specially formulated for babies with sensitive and sensitive skin. This lotion supports and moisturizes the skin of the baby and is tested by pediatricians and dermatologists on their well-being.

Sebamed baby lotion:
If you are looking for a lotion that covers your baby's skin shortly after showering, this lotion is for you. It contains vegetable oils and lipids as well as other common creams such as almond oil and shea butter, which anticipate the lack of hydration. He has an estimate of 5.5, which helps to build up the corrosive skin of the baby's skin.
Babies have sensitive skin that requires a lot of attention and therefore the best lotion that does not cause skin irritation meets the needs of each parent.
Also read: In your third trimester? Keep your home safe with these baby products.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Baby Lotions for Newborns - Times of India
Baby Lotions for Newborns - Times of India
Water Based Moisturizer
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