Kendall Jenner reveals her beauty routine and her favorite products in a new interview - The Inquisitr

The Kendall Jenner model is the cover of the March issue of Allure magazine . In ...

The Kendall Jenner model is the cover of the March issue of Allure magazine . In addition to the attractive photos she has made for publication, she also revealed some of her secrets of beauty, including the products that give her that special sheen.

As previously reported by the Inquisitr , the 23-year-old posed on the beach with several outfits with different hairstyles and make-up styles for each set. Jenner's eyebrows were painted blue on the cover. In another photo she was wearing an orange, brown and yellow blouse with a retro print of Chloe and Prada shorts in orange satin. She also lengthened her brown curls to create a very long and low ponytail. And in the strangest photograph of the shoot she wore a lace dress, a red baseball cap with "Blame Kendall" on it, and a seemingly living frog over her hat.

In her interview with Allure , the star of Keeping Up With Kardashians talked about some of her favorite products and the impression of using them.

The most important thing for Jenner is her skincare, as she is prone to epidemics, which she opened in mid-January and announced that she would be the new spokeswoman for ProactivMD.

Kendall Jenner on the cover of the March issue 2019 of the magazine "Allure".
Allure / Facebook

"I always wash my face morning and night and am obsessed with keeping my face clean and feeling clean," she told the magazine.

He then promoted the three-piece Proactiv® system, which includes a facial cleanser, a retinoid anti-acne gel and an oil-based moisturizer with SPF 30.

When it comes to make-up, Jenner said she liked Face Fabric by Giorgio Armani Beauty, because she feels so "light" and most people do not even realize she's wearing something on her face when she puts it on.

As her make-up artist approaches Mary Phillips, she loves her contouring method, which gives her "lively, fresh and radiant".

"We've really teamed up for this highlighter trick, we've combined a creamy highlighter with the powdery highlighter at the top just to make me an extra highlighter," Jenner ate.

A recent article he recently added to his beauty box is a face roll "to eliminate swelling". She said she used it on the set one day and she really liked it, so she bought it for herself.

Always keep a tube of Avene's Cold Cream near you.

He also admitted that in the morning, when he got up in the morning, he had to drink a bottle of water because he felt dehydrated in the morning. Use a humidifier with a tablet of essential oils at night. Lavender and eucalyptus are his favorite flavors.

It should be noted that Jenner did not mention a product of the beauty lines of her sisters when she talked about their essentials.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Kendall Jenner reveals her beauty routine and her favorite products in a new interview - The Inquisitr
Kendall Jenner reveals her beauty routine and her favorite products in a new interview - The Inquisitr
Water Based Moisturizer
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