Important Aspects of Monsoon Skin Care in Preparation for the Rainy Season - Times of India

It is rainy season again! Monsoon, however, also has a share of skin problems. Although raindrops provide an ideal break from sticky, stick...

It is rainy season again! Monsoon, however, also has a share of skin problems. Although raindrops provide an ideal break from sticky, sticky summers, they also increase the moisture content, which is no less than a dream for skin health, especially for people with skin problems. Oily skin and prone to skin. Acne Therefore, it is imperative to change the routine of your skin according to the changing seasons.
Do not worry, the products listed below will add magic to your skin and help you deal with changing weather conditions:
Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser

Regular face washing, especially when traveling, is becoming increasingly important on rainy and rainy days. Your skin is in constant contact with excessive growth, oil and dirt. Therefore, it is ideal to wash it before closing the pores. Choose a gentle facial cleanser that will give your skin a feeling of freshness and freshness. We recommend washing it three times a day to prevent further development. Try the facial cleanser Neutrogena Deep Clean . Softens and softens the skin and easily removes dirt, oil and cosmetics. The facial cleanser also helps to remove dead skin cells from the surface to make the skin cooler and more soothing.

  • Toner: Refreshing and clear Himalayan toner.

The invigorating Himalayas refreshes and clarifies

A toner is an indisputable prerequisite during the monsoon, as it tightens the skin and clogs the pores, thereby avoiding epidemics. Again, choose a normal toner that does not contain alcoholic beverages. This support maintains the pH of your skin and keeps it rejuvenated. Try the refreshing toner and clear the Himalayas . Himalaya Herbals Soft Refreshing Toner eliminates soiling and gives the pores a smaller appearance, reviving and regenerating the skin. It gives the skin a healthy and radiant appearance and reduces the valley emissions.
  • Scrub Scrub: Biotique Bio Revitalizing Scrub

Biotique Organic Papaya Exfoliating Softener and Conditioner
Image Credit : In order to prevent accumulations leading to jumps or rashes, dead skin cells must be removed by exfoliation. Gentle cleansing at least twice a week keeps your skin flawless and smooth while polishing the entire development. The gentle cleansing action also promotes the best possible progression of the blood, leaving the skin healthy and shiny. Try the Biotique Organic Papaya Scrub for softening and revitalizing . This facial peel removes dead skin and clogs open pores. It keeps the skin soft and revitalized and brightens the complexion.
  • Sunscreen: Sunscreen Safe PA ++ - SPF 30 Lotus Herbs:
Sunbock Sunblock Sun PA Block Sun PAO PA ++ - SPF 30.

Was it cloudy and you thought you could save your sunscreen now? If the answer to this question is yes, it's time for you to think again. The sun hidden in the clouds does not mean that you are now protected from harmful UV rays. Despite cloudiness, the sun tends to give off harmful UV rays. Never miss the use of sunscreen before leaving the hotel. A waterproof sunscreen would be ideal this season. Try Sun Block PA ++ - SPF 30 Sunblock from Lotus Herbals Safe Sun. This sunscreen has waterproof and sweat resistant properties. It is non-greasy and neutralizes sunburn, tanning and wrinkles.
  • Oil-Free Moisturizer: Clean, clean skin that eliminates oil-free moisturizer.

Clean and remove the oil-free moisturizer to balance the skin

Even if it's hard, your skin needs a lotion because the weather can make it dry and dull. In any case, your skin really loses the usual oils. Use a water-based cream or moisturizer to control the oil as it is lighter than most and repairs damaged skin at the same time. Try the moisturizer without oil, cleanse and cleanse the skin . CLEAN and CLEAR® OIL FREE moisturizers have an oil-free formula that is saturated without fat and does not clog pores. The corrosive salicylic acid prevents pimples and keeps your skin perfect and clear.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Times of India journalists have not participated in the production of this article.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Important Aspects of Monsoon Skin Care in Preparation for the Rainy Season - Times of India
Important Aspects of Monsoon Skin Care in Preparation for the Rainy Season - Times of India
Water Based Moisturizer
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