First Baby First Baby Products for June 2019 -

June 20, 2019 Here are our best options for your baby this month. These products make life easier for you. JOHNSON'S® Cottontouc...

Here are our best options for your baby this month.

These products make life easier for you.

These products make life easier for you.

JOHNSON'S® Cottontouch ™

JOHNSON'S® Cottontouch ™ Bath and Wash 2 in 1

Made from real cotton, designed specifically for the sensitive skin of the newborn and with a perfectly balanced pH. Light and soft enough from day one, this newborn bath is washed and washed without residue. Available in: 400ml.

JOHNSON'S® Cottontouch ™ Facial and Body Lotion

This water-based lotion moisturizes and protects sensitive skin from day one. It is lightweight and leaves no unwanted residue or stickiness. Available in: 50 ml and 500 ml.

JOHNSON'S® Cottontouch ™ Powder

Cottontouch ™ powder is blended with real cotton and designed specifically for sensitive and sensitive neonatal skin. This powder absorbs twice as much moisture as normal dust to protect the delicate skin of the baby from the first day from moisture. Available in: 400g. CANDontouch ™ JOHNSON'S® Cottontouch ™ hair and scalp oil is blended with real cotton and designed specifically for sensitive and sensitive neonatal skin. This oil absorbs and protects the delicate skin of the baby from day one quickly. It is ideal for baby massage and to remove dry flakes from the cradle cover. Available in: 50 ml and 300 ml.

JOHNSON'S® Cottontouch ™ Extra Sensitive Wipes

Cottontouch ™ wipes are so flexible that they can be used frequently, even on the most delicate hides of the newborn. These wipes are as soft as cotton and water for the gentle care of the skin from the first day and can be applied to the skin of all babies, including the underside, the hands and the delicate face.

Whether it's the bubble bath or bedtime, we are proud that our baby products can play a role in these special moments. Buy JOHNSON'S® baby products to find clinically proven preparations that are free of dyes, parabens and sulfates. We only choose high quality ingredients that protect the baby. For this reason, we have rejected more than 400 ingredients that do not meet our Best for Baby ™ standards. For more information, visit the Baby JOHNSON website.

Baby carriage cross cross silver

Silver Cross brings his new stroller Pop in three new colors to the market: Blush, Quarry and Flint.

Lightweight and compact, Pop is customizable from birth to 25kg, with new fabrics and a completely new palette, complemented by an elegant black matte frame.

Soft padded seat padding with diamond padding and color-coordinated details on the soft foam handles.

Designed for comfort and convenience, Pop features the best flat fit and adjustable calf support, while the fully expandable hood provides UPF50 + protection.

The pop pack includes: UPF50 + stretch hood • 5-point safety belt • Rain cover • Generous shopping basket • Ergonomic soft foam handles

Recommended retail price: £ 190

Car Seat Cover Kura Organics

From the beginning, Victoria Oakley, Amy Duffy and Kerry Greenwood, the three ladies Kura Organics, agreed that in addition to designing a travel solution elegant, warm and comfortable for babies , they also wanted to create a brand that was as sustainable as environmentally-friendly as possible , This is important as the baby's cape comes into contact with a newborn's skin.

Comfort and temperature control are so important when using baby items. The cover is made of very soft, GOTS certified organic cotton and meets the OEKO-TEX standard, is non-toxic and safe for babies.

They use organic cotton because their production is much less invasive / polluting than conventional cotton production, and their labels are organic cotton or recycled and all packaging is recycled and / or recyclable.

Little Freddie

Little Freddie, the baby and infant food brand, has launched two new vegetable-based recipes: 80% Veg and Simply Veg, with clearly marked ingredients on the front of the packaging and no hidden fruits. To help parents feel better when they give vegetables to their babies.

The two new recipes were developed by baby parents with Jo Rayner, a nutritional consultant for children at Little Freddie. They are high in fiber and 80% of vegetables are also a protein source.

Little Freddie discovered that "vegetable blends" often puzzled parents when they read the bottom of the bag and that they contained a high proportion of fruit. The two new recipes add a soft touch to vegetables by adding a touch of fruit (clearly marked on the front of the bag for extra transparency) or sweet and earthy family favorites to make parents feel safe. that your baby appreciates the taste and we are convinced that vegetables are the main ingredient.

Starting with Sainsbury, Ocado, Amazon and, the two new recipes are:

  • Easy Veg - Vegetable Roots Mash (4m +) - A 100% mix deliciously sweet plant carrots, sweet potatoes, parsnips and potatoes without adding water.
  • 80% vegetable - carrots, pumpkins, peas and pear flavors (4 months and older): rich in fiber and protein, this recipe is a deliciously sweet blend of carrots, pumpkins, peas and pears. With the small addition of pear, this recipe is tasteful for small taste buds, but it's still filled with 80% botanical benefits.

The recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free and contain, like the rest of the Little Freddie range, no preservatives, stabilizers, added salt or sugar. All the sugar is made from vegetables in a natural way.

Sophie Sproson, new product development manager at Little Freddie and mother of two children: "We are very pleased to find these two new recipes we are finding a gap in the market because there are many quitting products in Stage 1. There are not enough delicious vegetable blends, we want to help families feel safe with food and flavors, and make sure the little ones are on the right track to enjoy the vegetables while they eat. all his life with the help of these delicious recipes. "

Little Freddie is also the first brand in the UK to offer a bag recycling plan that does nothing at the landfill. Parents can hand in their empty Little Freddie bags in a free recycling bag. The advanced technology then breaks down the components of the bags and these into materials that can be reused, leaving nothing for the landfill.

As of the end of June, the sustainable UK brand will be expanded to 128 local Sainbury locations and available from major retailers such as Sainsbury's, Ocado, Amazon and

Nutribullet baby

Nutribullet Baby has everything you need to help your toddlers make the freshest, most nutritious food in seconds.

Use it to make a pureed, nutritious and baby-free preservative or a thicker texture. It is ideal for babies in all stages of development.

Just put your ingredients in the bowl or bowl, put them in the power base and create instant, organic and fresh foods.

The container and storage compartment contain larger amounts of food, and the freezers freeze any excess food that is to be stored for later storage. The 6-Date Markup Store keeps track of when you made your last batch!

The Nutribullet Baby is now available for £ 49.99 at

The new set of Munchkin brushes

Coins tough, thin tips and thin straws ... Sippy cups are for your child to teach how to drink a big, but sometimes it can not clean as well as he would like. We provide you with the NEW Munchkin Cleaning Brush (£ 25.05), which allows you to solve all the problems in the cup cleaning.

Equipped with four simple brushes, the Munchkin brush set cleans and cleans any cracks, regardless of size or difficulty. The brush set for details includes a straw brush, a spout brush, a wire cover and brush, and a brush for details, all in one handy clip.

But how do you clean the cleaning brush? Do not worry, it's dishwasher safe to make your life easier. The Munchkin brush set for more information is now available at Amazon!

Munchkins Raise fork and spoon set

Let's be honest, meals with young children can be a difficult affair for kids who are determined to put something in their mouths, BUT eat. And just when you thought it could not be worse, it's time to introduce cutlery into the minefield that feeds!

That's why Munchkin has developed the NEW Raise fork and spoon set to make Mom and Dad feel good. These ergonomically shaped utensils are ideal for small hands and small mouths in a T-shirt and have the benefit of a raised base that holds the ends of the table with the fork / spoon. Without germs!

Designed to eliminate the confusion (and some of the stress) of the meals. The NEW Munchkin Raise Fork and Spoon are available from Amazon in a range of colors: 4 pieces (£ 9.99) / 6 pieces (£ 14.99).

For more information, visit

Muslim monkey match

Muslims are the best friends of the mother ... They are versatile and can be used multifunctionally. Matchstick Monkey Muslin comes in a set of cute and colorful patterns that you and your child will surely fall in love with.

Essential for meals ... and, moreover, these superb Muslin Square are characterized by a sophisticated construction that includes a silicone teething label containing gums and a small cotton label to keep them playing. with you. These innovative supplements stimulate babies tactilely and help them to feel calm and safe when they are away from home.

Made from 100% organic cotton, these comfy squares are designed for soft, newborn skin and come in a beautiful three-piece gift box in shades of blue, pink and gray.

The perfect gift for a newborn!

Muslin made of 100% organic cotton x 3 packs (70 x 70 cm)

€ 17.95 -

MORE: The best baby products from May 2019



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: First Baby First Baby Products for June 2019 -
First Baby First Baby Products for June 2019 -
Water Based Moisturizer
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