The 6 best moisturizers without oil for greasy and shiny skin and ndash; Facial lotions that will not drive you crazy -

PHOTO GALLERY FOR GETTY IMAGES: SOPHIE MAYANNE Since each person's skin is different and has their own needs, I try to avoid general ...



Since each person's skin is different and has their own needs, I try to avoid general claims about skin care. But when it comes to moisturizer? No, everything. Single. Person necessarily. One: Yes, even if your face is an oil stain or a break zone. Because when acne products are loaded and moisture is avoided (at your option or pure laziness), your face produces more sebum to make up for it. As late as it seems, the better the skin moisture, your face will be less greasy and greasy.

But wait! Do not take moisturizer. Since oily skin naturally produces enough oil, thicker creams can be too heavy for you. Instead, look for a light gel or water-based lotion for your day and night routine. Do you need suggestions? Go ahead, the Eight Best Oil-Free Moisturizers for Smooth, Oily and Beautiful Skin.

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The best moisturizer without oil for dehydrated skin

Neutrogena Hydro Boost cream gel

$ 23.99

If you have oily skin and need a light formula or just want to change the summer of your thickest winter cream, try this water- based moisturizer . When everything else seems to escape from your face , this hyaluronic acid cream flows and gives your skin the moisture it needs without the feeling of fat.


The best moisturizer without oil for brown spots

Olehenriksen Perfector Moisturizing Pure Transformation

40.00 USD

If you leave stains and black spots during your last outbreak, do not make the mistake of treating them like grain. Use a moisturizer that lightens dark spots and discoloration like these. This oil-free moisturizer is filled with antioxidants, fruit acids and licorice extract and moisturizes your skin as it fades over time.


The best oil-free moisturizer with sunscreen

Absorbent moisturizer with Cetaphil Pro Oil with SPF 30
$ 17.99

$ 14.24 (21% off)

Speaking of scars ... a way to make them worse? Do not protect her from the sun. Sunscreen not only protects you from carcinogenic rays, it also prevents scars and hyperpigmentation from getting darker . Not only is this oil-free moisturizer with SPF 30 not acne-like (which means it does not clog the pores), it also absorbs excess skin oil when you use it.


The best moisturizer without oil to matt the shine

La Roche-Posay Effaclar MAT mattifying moisturizer

$ 31.99

If moisturizers scare you because you can not stand the thought of a bright T-zone, you need this oil-free lotion (yes, you need them ). Formulated only to fight against not shine, but also to soften the pores temporarily mattifying moisturizer, which is thin enough to be placed in the base alone or used.


The best oil-free moisturizer for germs

Differin SPF 30 Oil Control Moisturizer

$ 13.99

It took me 10 years to get acne and a million dermatologist appointments to understand that if you overeat your diet with acne products , acne problems will not be resolved . What will you do? Find a balance between the anti-pimple treatments and those that allow the skin barrier to regain health before the epidemic. This mild, oil-free moisturizer with SPF 30 is used to relieve the dryness caused by acne while relieving the appearance of mild ailments.


The best oil-free moisturizer for personalization

Clinique Clinique iD A radically different moisturizing gelatin

39.00 USD

As I mentioned earlier, the skin is the same, so it is unrealistic to believe that one product works for everyone. Even two people with oily skin can treat different secondary problems. This range of customizable moisturizers without oil is so great. At the heart of this formula is a water-based moisturizer that is then personalized with additional active ingredients to treat your other skin problems (such as hyperpigmentation, uneven texture, wrinkles, etc.). Observe? genius

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: The 6 best moisturizers without oil for greasy and shiny skin and ndash; Facial lotions that will not drive you crazy -
The 6 best moisturizers without oil for greasy and shiny skin and ndash; Facial lotions that will not drive you crazy -
Water Based Moisturizer
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