No Sweat: How To Prevent Makeup Landslides In The Summer Muggy - The Fashion Spot

Image: Imaxtree The name of the game in the summer is to beat the heat. Especially when it comes to make-up. As the mercury increases, you...

Keep your make-up in place no matter what the weather.

Image: Imaxtree

The name of the game in the summer is to beat the heat. Especially when it comes to make-up. As the mercury increases, you may want to constantly re-apply our faces or check them to make sure there is no eyeliner on the cheeks. Some people even keep their make-up kit until the weather calms down, but you do not have to take such drastic action.

Sustainable sports make-up in the summer is all about choosing the right products and the right kind of application. With that in mind, we asked professional makeup artists how to prevent fearful landslides in make-up to enjoy the summer sun without highlighting the shadows of our eyes and the wandering foundations .

Application vs. Products

Make-up experts recognize that selecting their products and how to use them are just as important to avoid weather-related make-up crises. Make-up artist Lisa Aharon likes to apply layers of skin care and make-up products to allow for a long period of absorption and adjustment between layers.

Make sure your make-up is suitable for the season

Summer asks for an update of the make-up kit. Aharon often switches to oil-free formulas when the weather warms. She says the biggest mistake people make is using the same products they made in the summer in the winter and vice versa.

It recommends that you always wear compressed powder, as it prevents the make-up from melting and slipping. The powder can be used throughout the day to remove shine and make-up. Try Sisley Paris Blur Expert ($ 95) or Essence All About Matt! Compact powder cap ($ 3.99). The Sekantenblätter are like the Japanese Tatcha-Abottatorigami ($ 12) without accumulating another great option to control the shine cake. While make-up artist Kristofer Buckle likes free powder-free powders to keep make-up out of the way and make it shine.

Waterproof formulas

The loop does not consider it necessary to do "everything waterproof", only waterproof mascara . He warns that some waterproof make-up products may look like a mask. In addition, most make-up products such as base and lipstick contain oils and waxes that already give them waterproof properties.

Powders, creams and liquids.

Aaron's favorite summer formulas are creams and liquids because they are very light. (They tend to slip when exposed to excessive heat, so it is important to make formulations with invisible powder). Would you like a more comprehensive and sustainable coverage? Use heavier products in moderation. Aharon recommends Smith & Cult Veiled Threat, a weightless micro-blur (US $ 42) for its weightless formula and 12-hour coverage. Your goal for a light reference is Chantecaille Just Skin Tinted Moisturizer ($ 74).

Primer and tuning sprays

Primers and tuning sprays promise a more durable outfit, but none is essential. In the warmer months, no primer is used in the loop. "There's already a lot of product in the face between the moisturizer, sunscreen, and base, and one of the first things in long-lasting make-up is keeping it" just enough, "he says." They want to hide the flaws without using more than necessary, otherwise your make-up looks like a cake all day long. "

He uses his own Triplicity Perfecting Foundation Stick ($ 44) with a built-in socket. Then apply the Kristofer Buckle Power Lock Makeup Spray (39 USD) to increase durability without weight.

Aharon says primers and fall-on sprays can be incredibly useful for make-up, especially for those with oily skin or when they're wet. A good base softens the skin surface, corrects the color and mattes. Use adjustment sprays that refresh and moisturize the skin, such as: B. Soothing Mist with Aloe Vera Herbivore Botanicals ($ 20), as it soothes the skin even after exposure to the sun.

Change your skin care

Do not forget to update your skin care when updating your make-up. Buckle says it's important to adjust skin care products to changes in temperature and humidity. Use lighter and less greasy skincare products in the summer, as they will make makeup look better on your skin. Aharon adds that heavier creams can be shiny and very greasy for most skin types. It is therefore preferable to use lotions or gel formulations. Look for an SPF like SPF 30 Proactiv Daily Oil Control Moisturizing Moisturizer ($ 24).

Less is more

The use of less makeup can reduce the risk of loss of make-up. Do not use more correctors and basic than necessary. (Aharon likes to stroke a sponge over the brush and the dotted backing on greasy skin). And always remember the powder because it fixes the makeup in its place.

Do you have oily skin? Buckle recommends the use of dry leaves and / or dust throughout the day. You can also use a transfer sheet followed by dust if you want to duplicate. He suggests relying on transparent colors like pure metal detergents in the eyes and a fruity or neutral lip for a home, that's more. And milder washes are less obvious when they migrate.

The lighting does not light up

Radiant skin can be beautiful in summer, so do not be fooled by a perfectly dull complexion. But there is a difference between brilliance and brilliance. Shiny skin can be messy. Buckle therefore recommends wiping and / or drying the skin several times a day to keep the situation under control. You can use the Highlighter to create a controlled glow.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: No Sweat: How To Prevent Makeup Landslides In The Summer Muggy - The Fashion Spot
No Sweat: How To Prevent Makeup Landslides In The Summer Muggy - The Fashion Spot
Water Based Moisturizer
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