Become beautiful in 7 simple ways - Weekly version

No matter how hard we try, today's hectic lifestyle prevents our body from maintaining its luminosity, but a healthy and adequat...

No matter how hard we try, today's hectic lifestyle prevents our body from maintaining its luminosity, but a healthy and adequate diet and some natural beauty treatments can help you maintain your beauty and health. Here are some super effective home remedies for a healthy and beautiful body.

Tips for a healthy / beautiful body

Eat well

When we eat in the restaurant, we often skip important meals and ignore the nutritional needs of our bodies, resulting in a loss of skin shine. Therefore, it is advisable to have a healthy meal with vegetables. Cabbage, yogurt. Eggs etc. at breakfast you are active all day and full of energy.

Great salad

For a healthy diet, cook a bowl of kale in the microwave, add chopped red and yellow peppers, tomatoes, onions and green peppers and mix well. Now decorate with ground slice, lemon juice and salt. The sprouts will cover the protein needs of your body while the vegetables are great for your skin. In addition, Paneer is an excellent source of calcium. Lemon gives your skin a healthy glow, as it is rich in vitamin C.

TLC for your feet

How your feet show signs of aging. Regular diet and massage are necessary to maintain the skin of young feet. Try this remedy at home to get soft and soft feet. Make a mixture that contains equal amounts of lemon juice. Rose water and glycerin and after washing the feet apply well.

Natural bleach

Quark is a natural whitening agent that deeply cleanses the skin. It's great for oily skin and can be added to any scrub or wrap. To lighten the tanned arms, add a tablespoon of bran and a tablespoon of chickpea flour to the quark and apply as a mask on all your hands. Hold it for half an hour and rub in the opposite direction to the hair to remove dead skin. Now wash in cold water to detect lighter arms. Hydrate your arms with a water-based lotion. If you are a victim of black elbows, you can try to rub in the lemon juice and make sure to add half a teaspoon of salt and sugar. Wash frequently to make your elbows more beautiful and accurate.

Banana Spa

This remedy is a blessing for women with dry skin and especially in winter. Banana puree and milk to a thick paste. Add a few drops of lemon and half a teaspoon of calamine powder and apply. Wash frequently for softer, textured skin. Regular application leads to desired results.

Boost of fruits

We all have to eat something now and then. But instead of eating deep-fried fatty foods, it makes more sense to take an apple or an orange. In addition to moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin, the smell of a fruit can also be very stressful. Therefore, it is advisable to carry a washed fruit in your pocket. especially if you do not have access to healthy snacks. You can also drink a glass of fresh fruit juice like pomegranate to lighten the complexion from the inside.

Spa experience at home

Give your body an incredible sensation with this scrub to lighten the skin: put grams of flour, sandalwood, orange peel powder and turmeric in a bowl and mix with water. Rose, olive oil and milk. Apply this paste and rub it in the opposite direction of hair growth to remove impurities. Let it work for 15 minutes and wash in cold water. It then nourishes your body from the depths and enjoys a hot oil massage for a spa experience at home.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Become beautiful in 7 simple ways - Weekly version
Become beautiful in 7 simple ways - Weekly version
Water Based Moisturizer
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