Get your look: Camila Cabello's favorite makeup, secrets of skin care and popular beauty products! - Feel the Vibe News

Camila Cabello has been in the limelight since her youth , and although her music has had many milestones, her distin...

Camila Cabello has been in the limelight since her youth , and although her music has had many milestones, her distinctive appearance has remained practically the same over the years. With beautiful brown hair , immaculate make-up , a great voice and a brilliant personality, it's no wonder she is currently one of the most popular celebrities. If you want to know how Camila always looks so pretty and together, read on to learn more about the details of her beauty routine!

skin protection

Camila Cabello - skin
Camila keeps things fresh. Picture credits: IG @ Camila_Cabello.

Camila likes facial masks. Masks made of honey, clay and sheets are some of his favorite products, with which he likes to cool the skin. She always prefers make-up before going to bed and drinks a lot of water. Camila even has a few tips: one can be done at home (with egg white pores), the other is available at the pharmacy ( Differin Oil Control Moisturizer for keeping the shine in check).

Make-up and hair

Camila hairstyle and make-up
Wavy hair + cat's eye = characteristic aspect of Camila. Picture credits: IG @ Camila_Cabello.

Camila garde makeup face relatively easily, based on the foundation and the concealer Fresh Wear Loreal for its coverage and its smooth surface. For a key extra strengths, he loves with Lumi Glotion Loreal . The eyeliner is another essential part of Camila's daily routine: use the eyeliner liquid Loreal to create the perfect cat eye. As for her hair, Camila keeps you healthy by using the 5 Loreal Repair Shampoo / Conditioner , not the dyed hair (yes, this shiny dark brown color is natural).


Trips to Camila Cabello
Sunglasses are not optional. Picture credits: IG @ Camila_Cabello.

By partnering with MasterCard you can bet Camila is an experienced traveler. He likes to make things easy and easy for his many events and appearances. She has always something to do with rework, including the Secret Deodorizer , Clean & Clear Oil Blotter Leaves and Matte Loreal Foolproof Liquid Lipstick .


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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Get your look: Camila Cabello's favorite makeup, secrets of skin care and popular beauty products! - Feel the Vibe News
Get your look: Camila Cabello's favorite makeup, secrets of skin care and popular beauty products! - Feel the Vibe News
Water Based Moisturizer
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