The three-stage skin care routine that anyone can follow: TODAY

Healthy skin does not necessarily require a 10-step diet or a complicated routine. "A complicated routine for skincare is not the ke...

Healthy skin does not necessarily require a 10-step diet or a complicated routine.

"A complicated routine for skincare is not the key to a healthy, glowing skin," said New York dermatologist dr. Debra Wattenberg. "On the contrary, it's about developing a skin care routine tailored to your skin type and problems, and if a 10-step routine is right for you and looks good, it's a pity, but for most of us it's too complicated, too expensive, exhausting and useless. "

Another problem with complex routines? They can be "one size fits all" regardless of individual characteristics such as skin type. "Simple, it's usually better," said Wattenberg. "It's more profitable and generally more sustainable."

"Most skin types can usually perform three steps in the morning and in the evening," said Wattenberg. The three steps he recommends are:

  1. clean
  2. Deal with specific skin problems
  3. hydrate

Wattenberg arrested TODAY to share some of his favorite products and advice to find a product adapted to their needs .


Detergents are an important part of skin care, but according to Wattenberg they are not always used properly.

"It's best to wash your hands first with soap and water and then use about the size of a small amount of a gel or cream facial cleanser or a pump - foam cleaner, right on your own hands," he said. "Rub and massage the cleanser on your face, rinse it with warm, cold, and dry water."

If you're already a skincare expert, you can use an electric brush or a special cleaning cloth to improve your routine, but your two hands will work as well.

Cleanser for normal skin


Drunken elephant jelly

Wattenberg recommends this Drunk Elephant Gel Textured Cleansing Gel. Perfect for removing make-up without drying out the skin. Contains no corrosive chemicals and is suitable for most skin types.

Fresh soy cleaner

This fresh and sweet soy cleaner is a Sephora bestseller. With soy proteins that are designed to remove all traces of skin and dirt, you can thoroughly cleanse without depriving the skin of the essential moisture.


Wattenberg recommends using the same products for the night.

Cleanser for dry skin


Micellar cleaning water Kiehl

With its small lipid balls that remove makeup and dirt, this micellar Kiehl water leaves a soft and hydrated skin.


CeraVe Moisturizing Cleaner

Wattenberg recommends this non-drying cleaner, which contains hyaluronic acid , which helps to cleanse and moisturize the skin. Without perfume, it is perfect for sensitive skin.

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Cleansing Gel

This soap-free, oil-free gel is ideal for most skin types. It gently removes dirt and make-up, but leaves no dry or irritated skin. Instead, it blocks moisture for a permanent hydration.

Oily skin cleanser


Aveeno Clear complexion foam cleaner

This gentle cleanser clogs neither the pores nor the dry skin while improving tone and texture. Without oil, the skin becomes soft, smooth and even.

Cream cleaner with pink grapefruit mousse Neutrogena

Wattenberg recommends this cleaner for oily and acne-prone skin, as salicylic acid destroys the acne-causing bacteria and provides a refreshing finish.


Lovely Skin Clarifying Cleansing Gel

This clarifying cleanser exfoliates, minimizes rashes and helps to balance the moisture balance of the skin.

Wattenberg also recommends leaving Aveeno Clear Complexion Foam Cleaner in your nightly routine.

Target for skin problems

According to Wattenberg, the goal is products containing active ingredients for a specific area of ​​the skin. Most products are highly concentrated and work on the principle of "less is more". For sera, you usually only need one or two pumps to create a thin film of drugs. If you are using a cream or gel, start with a pea-sized amount and apply it in small amounts to the surface of the face before spreading and applying to the skin.

Products for normal skin


Vitamin C serum with drunken elephants

This powerful Drunk Elephant serum uses Vitamin C to tighten the skin tone. Filled with antioxidants, it's a great gift for your skin.

CE Ferulic Skinceuticals

Wattenberg recommends this vitamin C product, which has a high content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and helps to improve pigmentation while preventing wrinkles and fine lines.


ROC Retinol Night Cream

This night cream visibly reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines during sleep. Filled with retinol and an essential mineral complex, it aims to make your skin softer and younger.

Aveeno drops the positive MaxGlow radiation

With 48 hours of moisture and brightness, these slightly fragrant drops are ideal for people with dry skin or combination skin.

Neutrogena Wrinkle Repair Fast Retinol Oil

This retinol serum combats and repairs the appearance of wrinkles and gives the skin a visibly younger appearance in just one week.

Products for dry skin


HA5 Medica Skin

Wattenberg recommends this serum filled with hyaluronic acid to improve the moisture and regenerate the skin.

Skinceuticals B5 gel

This skinceuticals gel also contains hyaluronic acid, helping to restore and retain moisture.


Facial oil with Vitamin C and Curcuma Sunday Riley

This immediately absorbed facial oil combines vitamin C, turmeric and evening primrose oil to lighten and moisturize the skin.

Serum Neutrogena Hydro Boost

This serum clears and refreshes the skin immediately, moisturizes and leaves the skin radiant.

Products for oily skin


Treatment of acne effaclar La Roche Posay

"It's an excellent acne product that contains benzoyl peroxide and lipohydroxy acid to combat acne prone skin and blemishes," said Wattenberg.


ROC Serum Deep Wrinkles

This serum works in tandem with the natural process of skin renewal to visibly reduce wrinkles.

Differin gel

This over-the-counter acne treatment eliminates and prevents skin blemishes and regulates the exchange of skin cells to combat the major causes of acne, such as clogged pores.


According to Wattenberg, it is enough to apply a quantity equal to a quarter moisturizer or sunscreen to your face. For full body use, use about the same amount that a shot glass would fill.

Moisturizers for normal skin


Aveeno moisturizer absolutely forever

Wattenberg recommends this moisturizer, which contains a mulberry complex to combat aging.


Sunday Riley CEO Vitamin C Cream

This cream provides the skin with a very strong vitamin C, to counteract the visible signs of aging and to provide strong antioxidant support.

CeraVe moisturizer

With hyaluronic acid, this cream provides a 24-hour hydration.

Moisturizers for dry skin


5 in 1 beauty beauty face cream

This multi-action moisturizer helps to delay the signs of aging and protects against the strong sun rays.

Olay Complete the daily moisturizer defense

"This product contains no perfume (and) contains a fabulous sun protection factor for every day," said Wattenberg. The product uses green tea and niacinamide to relieve inflammation and soften without clogging the pores.


TNS Ceramide treatment cream

This ceramide-rich skin care cream uses moisture to heal, repair and soothe dry or damaged skin.

La Roche Posay Toléraine Ultra Moisturizing Night

"For sensitive skin, this product is excellent," said Wattenberg. "It is moisturizing and fragrance-free and does not irritate the skin."

Aveeno Ultra Calming Night Cream

This cream works during the night to actively control sensitive skin and reduce redness and irritation.

Moisturizers for oily skin


Elva UV Clear Sunscreen without oil

Wattenberg recommends this oil-free sunscreen for acne-prone skin.


Neutrogena Hydro Boost

"This water-based moisturizer containing hyaluronic acid is ideal for moisturizing without leaving greasy residue on the skin," said Wattenberg.

Moisture Control Cetaphil

This fragrance-free moisturizer uses microsphere technology to absorb surface oil and reduce shine without clogging the pores.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: The three-stage skin care routine that anyone can follow: TODAY
The three-stage skin care routine that anyone can follow: TODAY
Water Based Moisturizer
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