Back to Basics: How to cure adult acne - Fashion (blog)

Among racks at JW Anderson Spring-Summer 2016. Photo: Imaxtree "Basic" have adapted a negative connotation in recent years, ...

Between racks in J. W. Anderson Spring-Summer 2016. Photo: Imaxtree
Among racks at JW Anderson Spring-Summer 2016. Photo: Imaxtree

"Basic" have adapted a negative connotation in recent years, but there is no shame for advice on clothes to ask theoretically simple puzzles. In our last column, " Back to Basics " we are here to provide you with the concerns of the most fashion and beauty (and important) to lead life. Next, we turn to the question of the treatment of adult acne.

Dealing with stubborn epidemics is a common part of the experience of young people, but have not completely unknown another attack that affected in adulthood a few years later. What is life unfair? Just have when you think of those days in a set, pimples and cysts are (literally) their ugly heads.

Adult onset of acne can develop at any time between 20 and as late as 50 years, and has a positive correlation with a personal history of acne in puberty. But as with most medical conditions (and clothes, of course), there is no "one size fits all" treatment and acne are not all equal. (.) Later, "For example, let's say a man and a woman, both have a history of acne teenager who was successfully treated with isotretinoin - also known as Accutane - currently have incidence of adults - acne" Dr. Postulates. Shereene Idriss, MD Wexler Dermatology . "The man is probably a second course of isotretinoin need, while women should be evaluated because of hormonal acne treatment is completely different."

Types of mild acne-range (more or less, anyway) blackheads - mainly white centers - cystic and inflamed bumps everywhere. The mild acne can usually contain topical benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, are treated like La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo or Clearing Gel Dermalogica night . If this is the deal did not happen, another approach is to prescribe oral or topical antibiotics: "There are certain antibiotics that target the bacteria that cause acne, P. acnes," said NYC - Dermatologist Dr. Doris Day, MD , who wrote a book about acne that sold currently Amazon suggested Day Other options include laser - treatments (. As Isolaz combination of the base to kill bacteria light Besides treating wide that the pore flow) or getting chemical peels helps to clean for intense exfoliation with salicylic acid or glycolic acid-based.

If you concentrated epidemics along the chin and jaw notice tend to worsen when you are on your time, your hormones be the cause. "For female adult acne reason we add a hormonal contraceptive such as the pill or a drug called spironolactone, blocks the hormone receptors, which are responsible for acne" Day recommends. Cases of severe acne nodular need more drugs for topical use only, so that on a diet isotretinoin, the dose of oral antibiotics or are the increase in the action plan is effective.

For stains, Day also suggests the use of an acne cleanser every day - not just when it is experiencing a fracture. (We love Cristal Cleaner Foam belif fee ) said it is not a good idea, your skin with harsh ingredients to Blitzkrieg. "The time for acne is necessary to clean and if too much medication, you will get more irritation and will not improve faster," Day said.

This rock material. Cetaphil SPF 30 tax DERMACONTROL oils, $ 19 at Ulta
This rock material. Cetaphil SPF 30 tax DERMACONTROL oils, $ 19 at Ulta

Another important tip? can cause dry skin increased production of sebum, which in turn leads to clogged pores and pimples (Yes, it can happen even on the types of fat!): Do not skimp on the single cream moisturizer because you have skin prone to acne. Cetaphil moisturizing oil DERMACONTROL control (photo) is for sensitive skin, prone formulated epidemic and provides a dose of SPF and moisture of light.

"The only difference in the adult acne [in relation to the treatment of acne in adolescence] is that the patient has a much longer history than it often before, as he or she react [to treatment]," Idriss said , But the best way to protect epidemics, according to the dermis? "Skin care, skin care, skin care, use non-comedogenic products that will not clog the pores, and keep washing your face daily with a mild detergent and scrub the skin two to three times a week. At a reasonable routine"

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