What lotion?

By Christina DeBusk 28, June 2016 As massage therapist, you have many different types of creams and other topical products available th...

Body cream and mint

As massage therapist, you have many different types of creams and other topical products available that gives you plenty of opportunities to meet the specific demands of its customers. If you do not use it, you should consider getting one on your list is the body butter. To know, however, when it is better to use, and how to improve its use, we need to understand what it is first.

What - What Body Butter

"Basically, body lotion moisturizer," said Fayne L. Frey, MD, MPH, dermatologist and founder certified by FryFace board, the information on the training range and skin care product provides. "It is as 80 to 90 percent of over-the-counter moisturizers formulated."

What - that the body of butter?

As to what actually is in body lotion, says Frey are most that can be determined by checking if the water is water-based, as a rule, "the first ingredient in the ingredient list." also a variety of other ingredients included, such as "emollient who feel the skin soft, humectants attract water within the skin surface; minimize occluding water loss through the skin; emulsifiers therefore the components of the water and oil together, a preservative for the product is not is damaged, and held many times, the fragrance ".

another body cream

Butter Body Benefits

Body creams offer some advantages of different customers, according to Frey. "Body Moisturizing butters high viscosity feel not only aesthetically," she said, "but can temporarily increase the water content of the skin, reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles."

A report on the website of the University of Maryland Medical Center reports that as you age, "the ability of the skin to stay hydrated and then decreases, be dry and flaky." One way to avoid this is to use moisturizers that contain occlusive, wetting agents and other compounds, "help the natural barrier of the skin against moisture loss and damage to restore" the -the same basic ingredients in butter body found.

What body butters are good for

As with any other product of massage, body creams best used under certain circumstances and situations.

"I think I only used the cream for the body after a sugar scrub hands and / or feet," Ransom said in April, a licensed massage therapist in MassageByApril in Springfield, Nebraska. She said she loves the use of this type of products in these specific areas, because the body butter, "thicker and decreases slowly, so that the skin to get use to the maximum."

Mavis Davis, a licensed massage therapist in the center in Chattanooga, Tennessee MedSpa, agreed, suggesting that the body butter advantageous encounters areas of the body that tend to be "more dry than others, such as elbows, feet heels and hands. "Its thickness help these specific areas to penetrate that." good candidates for body lotion "

So if the body butter is selected on the massage oil, cream or lotion, Davis said, "the use of cream for I the body, especially the shea butter, when the therapeutic work is done [by the opposition for relaxation] work deeper tissues, and the release of myofascial therapies. a slip is permitted, but is low enough to allow me to penetrate into the deeper layers of tissue without irritating the skin by. on non-lubricated surface "

Which Body Butter

Cream promotion body to customers

Promote the body butter on your massage clients as part of its session or for home use, Ransom sells body lotion as a retail product through the body lotion benefits specifically share while you show your customers you have products.

"I often tell my experience with body butter and how it worked for me," he said. This helps to seal the sale, and this can only help, too.

About the Author

Christina DeBusk is a freelance writer who specializes in health and wellness and business marketing. She is currently writing for ChiroNexus and other health-related publications. They can be contacted by christinamdebusk.com. He has written several articles for massagemag.com, including "3 things you need to know about the benefits of apricot oil."





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