The most important thing people should know before you start a skin care - Business Insider

So, finally, he decided to take care of your skin - good for you! Finally, he is convinced that there is an investment in the future of you...

So, finally, he decided to take care of your skin - good for you! Finally, he is convinced that there is an investment in the future of your skin, which is excellent. But you are probably wondering - what to do now? How the hell start a skin care routine?

The first step is to find products that you like and that will work for you. But before you buy anything, the real first step is to know your skin.

According to Chris Salgardo, President of skincare Kiehl and author of Art: Care of skin of essential reference supply for all the people , not really hard to understand your skin type. Most men have the skin dry, normal or oily. It happens that there is an easy way to tell.

At the end of the day:

  • -What Is your skin is still tight - it is possible and dry dehydrated skin.
  • It is shiny and greasy you probably have more fat than most ski - have n.
  • Y looks good, with a matt, then you probably have normal skin.

But wait - let us make it difficult.

Some guys have combination skin, where the skin on your T - range - the range in the form of T around the forehead, nose, lips and chin to the top where there is a greater concentration of sebaceous glands - is more fat rest of his face.

T zone Shutterstock / BI

Once you know what type of skin you have, you can buy appropriate moisturizer and a sunscreen for your skin type. If you have normal or dry skin, your options are almost everything under the sun, since many products that say they are "normal to dry skin."

But if your skin than most more fat is, it's best to get a moisturizer specifically formulated for oily skin. Check the oil - Clinic , oil - Eliminator Kiehl , and the control of the Kyoku oil are all great options.

For combination skin, several products will need to treat different areas. For example: If your T-zone is oily but your cheeks are dry, use a moisturizing oil control for T and a regular moisturizer for the rest of the face, so as not to dry the skin.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: The most important thing people should know before you start a skin care - Business Insider
The most important thing people should know before you start a skin care - Business Insider
Water Based Moisturizer
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