You look terrible hangover and mdash; Here is how to solve this problem - Yahoo Health

We do not blame the New Year s' Day of the mirror (Photo: Getty Images) to hide. New Year's Day, when they celebrated the Ne...

We do not blame the New Year s' Day of the mirror (Photo: Getty Images) to hide.

New Year's Day, when they celebrated the New Year with a few drinks, can be rough. They are hung-over, slowly, and face likely some common problems with their appearance. A swollen ruddy complexion, fingers and feet and red eyes are drinking part of the course after several drinks. The good news - there are few things you can do to repair the visible damage that alcohol on your body is doing. And remember - hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Here are some recommended by experts corrections to the effects of the skin and the joint body can cause many toasts.

Also: try to relax: The stress may be the cause of your skin problems be

ruddy complexion

Manhattan - based Dr. Neal Schultz, MD , one of the best doctors Summit New York Magazine for the city, explained that this effect occurs when alcohol causes the blood vessels to grow visible in the skin and are. the application of a proposed "cold compresses semi skimmed milk and half water in a t-shirt or scarf for 5 minutes every few hours." If you are desperate, reports Dr. Schultz that "the cortisone cream (1% hydrocortisone) every few hours work even faster."

, Dry skin and flaky

If it is not red, but you do not see the skin dry after drinking, Dr. Schultz says he sees "the drainage through the effects of diuretics alcohol causes." He suggested spraying the face with tap water from a spray bottle and then apply water-based moisturizer at least every 3-4 hours.

Gray, dull skin

For, as Dr. Schultz, "I am only a dermatologist, not a magician" When you look like death, stay in bed and plenty of water until the color drink back!.

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The fingers and swollen feet

Dr. Venus Ramos , MD and assistant clinical professor at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, said this problem peripheral edema is called, is caused by dehydration that comes with alcohol, so it is the consumption and how often have you on the toilet to go. "If you drink and to stop the alcohol concentration in the blood, bounced the amount of ADH (ADH), the kidneys keep triggering water resulting from the inflammation. If you have to drink a glass of water before each the night before, it is proposed that more drink fluids to alleviate the problem. low sodium (like running water) is the way to go, said Ramos. "Another useful tip to use is compression stockings to relieve swelling of the feet," Ramos told Yahoo Health. They find them in the pharmacy.

swollen eyes

There are several solutions, based on what you it obvious. Dr. Schultz says to start with a cold compress faucet. You can also use cold cucumber slices, what he said, "a lot of anti-inflammatory and soothing antioxidant" or fresh tea bag after immersion in hot water, the "astringent tannins narrowing of blood vessels and has reduced even swelling."

reddened eyes

"Alcohol reduces the amount of oxygen to go to the red blood cells, causing the congestion of blood vessels in the eye, they look bloodshot makes," said Dr. Ramos. His recommended cure is a cold compress and when the desired speed will do the process, wet tea bags for this, and everything cooled swelling. "Select teas with anti-inflammatory effects such as chamomile, blackberry, or rooibos" he suggests.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: You look terrible hangover and mdash; Here is how to solve this problem - Yahoo Health
You look terrible hangover and mdash; Here is how to solve this problem - Yahoo Health
Water Based Moisturizer
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