People use laxatives as face first - Yes, really

Created Getty Dana Tepper 14, July 2016 Beauty makeup artist and blogger full of strange things to get rid of the use of turmeric to ...

Beauty makeup artist and blogger full of strange things to get rid of the use of turmeric to the dark circles to shave the face to exfoliate, but this one takes the cake really. To prime the skin for make-up, some people use actually a laxative. True, a laxative.

It is called milk of magnesia. According to the National Institutes of nutritional supplements office, Milk of Magnesia, the laxative brand Phillips, Health contains 500 mg of magnesium hydroxide per teaspoon and is used heartburn and pain in the stomach to treat. In short, there is for digestion, not his face.

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Celebrity makeup artists and beauty enthusiasts YouTuber love his obvious ability to adjust the texture of the skin and defend smoothness. .. "A lot of water - stuck primers to another moisturizer and primer feels based on silicone or wax that are not yet, feel" artist said Julianne Kaye "When you put the Daily Mail, the milk of magnesia on your face, you can actually "feel the veil on the skin Wayne Goss, makeup artists and popular YouTuber, these technical contrary to intuition has also approved:

Before use of a dietary supplement in your complexion, it is probably a good idea to consult a dermatologist, which is exactly what we have. "My instinct told me that if Milk of Magnesia is to withstand the acidic environment of the stomach, could possibly be irritating to the skin", dermatologists Mona Gohara, MD said

Of course, the use of the first makeup is great because it keeps the foundation in place to prevent your wrinkles shadow eyelids and the fat control of the skin throughout the day gets - that these laxatives promise trick. But honestly? Finally, you may prefer to stay with the real thing. If you want to go with a Good Housekeeping Institute Beauty Lab, try one of these proven winners and tested breakthrough in our current awards beauty.

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: People use laxatives as face first - Yes, really
People use laxatives as face first - Yes, really
Water Based Moisturizer
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