The strange relationship between time and wrinkles

Dermatologists have been known for years that to keep the skin moisturized, especially in dry climates, keeps glowing and healthy all aroun...

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Dermatologists have been known for years that to keep the skin moisturized, especially in dry climates, keeps glowing and healthy all around, because it is less likely to break, break, or catch fire. But they could not line for the dry desert scrub pull wrinkles far. A group of Japanese researchers theorize the sample to provide volunteers in a room smile that had a level of 10 percent or 80 percent humidity, and the use of tracking technology to see skinfold as the expression of his deed. In fact, the smiling faces of those who were more intense in low humidity and rigid wrinkles, not just how but she smiled even were.

Bummer is, it means to live in a dry climate means that your face is more likely to develop wrinkles. "Is applied in dry weather, water that evaporates naturally in the skin and moisturizer to evaporate faster," says New York City dermatologist Robert Anolik. "This study shows that objective, it will mean short-term and long-term wrinkle."

What you can do: an old lotion or cream for regular face (extra points for ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or ceramides) day and night use, and with a facial mist free from top of water, such as fruit juice and aloe moisturizing glycerin Beauty Mist ( effectively contains H2O water spritzers pull the skin) during the day as needed. If you live in a humid environment, are once should be sufficient per day. "We have to reach a very high moisture point your skin to take your moisture, so you should always use lotions and creams, but your skin dry as soon not," says Anolik.

PHOTO: BENNY Horne photographed, fascination, June 2016

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The strange relationship between time and wrinkles
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