This is the time it takes for the skin to recover from a hangover
(Photo: Getty)

Headache, blurred vision, vomiting, fear of ... beer hangovers are the worst. It is that long after the acetaminophen was present and remained chundering, our skin is still the consequences of champagne suffering country.

"It takes regulate about two to four weeks for your body after a night, Hollywood dermatologist to the stars, Dr. Lancer said.

It's true. Two to four weeks, people.


The help credited properly to keep Kim Kardashian station, the man said: "A glass of red wine is 400 calories of sugar and triggers acne to inflame the lining of the stomach - which in turn triggers a signal that produce the brain to produce more testosterone.

In the days after a big night (or whatever ...), the skin is dull, and the eyes are wrapped in black bags. Which is fair enough when six tequilas fell and rolled home at 4:00, right?

But the doctor said to start, the signs of dehydration, which may compromise the skin from premature aging.

So proud of my dermatologist Dr. Lancer. I feel younger every time I see lol #TrueStory

A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) in

"Alcohol is a diuretic, which dehydrates the body - as evidenced by the intense thirst for a hangover," he said.

Alcohol dehydrated skin hydration and vital nutrients, which in turn gives a matte appearance. And when he is, as he says, it may be scaly and tense, which in turn can lead to wrinkles.


"That's one of many reasons why the emphasis on the importance of nutrition in anti-aging I do" work, he said.

"You can send a series of expensive treatments on your skin, but if your body and unbalanced diet are not likely to see the results that you are looking at."

So if you do not want the lines and sagging skin, we must turn solid?

Well, Dr. Lancer is encouraged moderation instead of abstinence.


"One or two glasses of red wine with dinner is sometimes a problem," soothing. "Regulate But ordinary, excessive alcohol consumption. And if you have rosacea (redness redness), sensitive skin or acne, excess alcohol, the epidemic may worsen.

However, you can do things to keep your skin under control, if you intend to continue the party lifestyle.

And the first thing - you guessed it - is to drink a ton of water.

Drinking is the key to a healthy skin and hair, of course! #hair #water #hydration #blog #blogger #beauty #lifestyle #scientist #lunch #hydration #holiday #flowers #Lemon #healthyhair #longhair

A photo released by hair nice day (@hairwonderfulday) in

"Staying hydrated is important for beautiful and healthy skin, you need to digest food, circulate blood and remove toxins - .. some features call Therefore, it is a good strategy for a drink of water whenever you have an alcoholic drink.

"Secondly, rubbing against each other to increase circulation to make a visual difference in the skin and contribute to" wake up "the skin.

"Third, the skin moisturize thoroughly with an antioxidant-based moisturizer and protects with SPF, Lancer Dr prescribed.

So we have. ruin everything hangover and water can solve anything.


PLUS: Have a crippling hangover? These 10 reasons can be the cause

PLUS: Why hangover worse as you get older