Skin and beauty care in the summer

It is very important to ensure the health of the skin. Expert renowned beauty and Director of ALPS Beauty Group, Mrs Bharti Taneja common...

It is very important to ensure the health of the skin. Expert renowned beauty and Director of ALPS Beauty Group, Mrs Bharti Taneja common part of the daily routine that we follow to keep skin problems of the bay!

morning care


The first morning, wash your face with a deep cleansing of pores and non-foaming soap - such as foams tend to leave the skin dry. Simply take 1 ounce to the palms and massage the face for about 2-3 minutes. wash now in cold water and dry with a clean towel.


This ritual must for a few seconds without Shirk followed during the summer every day - a must dead skin cells and dirt removing visit. There are several good exfoliating / debugger on the market; You can just about, on the fits your skin type. make an alternative to a home - try this. Mix equal amounts of kaolin powder, sandalwood powder - a pinch of turmeric and poppy. Now this combination diluted with milk (dry skin), Quark (oily skin) or cucumber juice (normal skin) and massage your face in a circular motion. Wash reveal fresh skin and full of energy.


Toner is a liquid to the pores open during cleaning to close. Tonic makes our skin appearance and tone - should after each cleansing ritual followed. You can try to make a home toner - boiling Tulsi, Neem and mint together in one liter of water and up to half of its evaporation wait. Now, stored and used as needed.


It remains the greatest of all mandatory and must for people with all skin types, follow in the summer. It gives the skin soft and supple with much needed moisture. For oily skin, use moisturizing gel, individuals with normal skin can go water-based; while rich moisturizers can be the perfect choice for the texture of dry skin.


Sun has several negative effects on our skin - tanning and early signs of aging - as dark spots are some of them. Therefore, do not forget to protect your skin from the sun during the day by a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher application; +++ Together with UVA, UVB and PA filter.

night operation

Removing make-up

You must have heard this advice for years. However, in order to keep skin problems at bay and reach the skin look young forever, you need to remove all traces of your makeup before you go to bed Incept clean only the make-up with a soaked cleaner in milk or olive oil in cotton from - it is safe all grease, dirt and traces applied to remove cosmetics. Follow wash your face with a gentle facial cleanser and toner with a suitable clays.

Food night

Finish with a nourishing night cream based on your skin. As the skin regenerates and fills during sleep - that the application of a nourishing night cream containing collagen totally recommend that retinol or AHA. To do this, with a calming serum under the eyes - and be ready for a nap. This acts like a mini facial for you every day!

Source Image: Getty

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Skin and beauty care in the summer
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