Beauty Hacks will follow as soon as possible if you have oily skin - PulseLive Kenya


If you have oily skin, you are not alone.

People with oily skin need to constantly dry their face to remove excess oil during the day, which can be very boring. In addition, they must also use the right products for their type of oily skin to control sebum production. Fortunately, there are great hacks that you can still live for. Some of them include:

1. After showering and drying the face

Take a dry paper towel and dry your entire face. This small but important step helps to control the brightness during the day.

2. When applying the base

Many greasy-skin gurus rely on this little trick by gently applying the loose powder to the moisturizer and the base just before the base. It's well known that this trick keeps your face blunt all day long without looking particularly fat, especially on hot days. If not, apply your base and leave it for about ten minutes to allow it to oxidize and ingest before applying the powder. Do not forget to put on your make-up when you're done with the spray setting.

3. If you want to try masks,

Try face masks made of clay because they serve to absorb oil from the pores and control sebum production. Apply your clay mask and let it dry before cleaning.

4. Rub a bucket of cold ice over your face.

Applying make-up prevents it from getting fluid during the day.

5. Apple cider vinegar as a tonic.

We have already talked about it . Mix the water with organic apple cider vinegar (it should be indicated on the bottle - with the mother) and apply something on a cotton. Then rub it on the face or in the T-zone, if present where it tends to smear avoids the eye area. It works like a fat toner and restores the pH of the skin, helping to control sebum production. Once you're done, apply your moisturizer and make-up as usual.

6. Use water-based moisturizers if your skin is greasy.

It's not easy. If you have oily skin and apply oil-based moisturizers, you'll be oiling later in the day, and that's exactly what you want to avoid. Instead, opt for a good water-based moisturizer. Do not be tempted to do the opposite, and do not apply the moisturizer because you think you do not need it because you need it. If the skin does not hydrate, your skin will produce more sebum to make up for what you lack. Therefore, do not forget to apply the moisturizer.

7. Make it a habit to moisturize your face from time to time.

This helps to open the pores, cleanse them and make your skin radiant.

Also read: 5 benefits of moisturizing your face



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Beauty Hacks will follow as soon as possible if you have oily skin - PulseLive Kenya
Beauty Hacks will follow as soon as possible if you have oily skin - PulseLive Kenya
Water Based Moisturizer
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