Natural aspirant of the Muzzle Dog Company - Petside

From Petside Published on 15h49 publisher's Note In some cases, your dog's snout is as dry as the fields of the ...

Killer of the natural muzzle
Killer of the natural muzzle
Killer of the natural muzzle
Killer of the natural muzzle

publisher's Note

In some cases, your dog's snout is as dry as the fields of the desert oven. Although this is not always a sign of severe dehydration, it can be very uncomfortable for your pet. With Snout Snout from Natural Dog Company, you can say goodbye to a dry, chapped nose.

With the most natural possible formulation, Snout Soother is a better solution for classic moisturizers. It contains a blend of vegan ingredients that are ideal to soothe irritated and dry skin. Contains jojoba oil, hemp seeds and grapeseed oil that nourishes the nose of the animal. It's also enriched with Vitamin E, which protects your dog's nose from harmful UV rays.

Jojoba oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. A more specific indication of this natural oil is the reduction in redness associated with excessive dryness. It is also useful in treating tears and irritation while relieving the skin.

Hemp seed oil is a natural moisturizer for the skin. It can also relieve the itching and irritation that can occur in severe dryness of the skin. It also contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances that can do more than keep the nasal skin healthy.

Grape seed oil is the main source of natural vitamin E in the muzzle pacifier. This nutrient can fight free radicals in the cells so that they maintain their normal health and function.

The combination of these three natural ingredients gives you a product that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Try other ingredients such as shea butter, rosemary extract, chamomile essential oil, coconut oil and kukui oil.

This product from Natural Dog Company contains no fragrances or strong synthetic chemicals. It will never irritate your dog's nose. What the balm makes relieves cracking and cracking. It also leaves a protective layer on your dog's nose. It is a complementary treatment for animals with discoid lupus and hyperkeratosis. It's safe and comes with a 120-day warranty.

The Snout Soother Soother by Natural Dog Company is a purely natural vegan balm. Veterinarians and pet parents rely on this product to combat the excessive dryness of their animals' nose. In this way, they can also bring comfort to their furry friends. The pacifier snout also works in humans.

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