Yes, hot yoga can turn your face into a burning and irritating mess.

At this time of year, the kind of hot yoga is full. It's a way to temporarily escape the pervasive cold and pretend to sink ...

At this time of year, the kind of hot yoga is full. It's a way to temporarily escape the pervasive cold and pretend to sink into the stifling heat of a tropical island. While some people experience no negative effects from downward movement at temperatures of up to 105 degrees, the skin irritations caused by hot yoga surpass others.

Experts have found that attending hot yoga classes can cause persistent discoloration and redness due to the heat that activates the pigment-producing cells in the skin . However, if your skin is somewhat sensitive, you can immediately react to excessive heat.

"In particular, hot yoga can be particularly skin irritant, as it raises the body temperature inside the body and thus causes an inflammatory cascade," says beautician Jeannel Astarita, founder and CEO of Just Timeless in New York City. "Heat and inflammation quickly evaporate the moisture on your skin, leaving your skin dry, dehydrated and irritated."

Fortunately, there are ways to prepare your skin to relieve irritation. "Use a mild cleanser before your hot yoga session and then wash immediately to remove oils and bacteria from your face that can sometimes cause skin rashes, itching, or dry skin, and then use a moisturizer." says Lana Pinchasov , assistant to a certified dermatologist in New York.

Also bring a bottle of cold, reliable water for maximum relief. "The night before the hot yoga fill half a bottle of water with filtered water and freeze." The next day fill the rest of the bottle with filtered water and take it with a soft cloth to baby, "says Astarita. After yoga, soak the cloth in ice-cold water and cover it on your face so it absorbs and absorbs the heat. "

If you still feel itchy and burning, even though you have used these techniques, hot yoga may not be the best exercise for your complexion. To relieve the itching, Pinchasov recommends that you take a low-dose topical anti-inflammatory cream such as 1% hydrocortisone and make sure your skin is well hydrated. So, maybe you cancel the remaining courses and find something that looks and feels like your skin.

These 10 yoga mats are practically works of art. And so Hilaria Baldwin uses yoga techniques to overcome the challenges of parenting .



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Yes, hot yoga can turn your face into a burning and irritating mess.
Yes, hot yoga can turn your face into a burning and irritating mess.
Water Based Moisturizer
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