The 11 best sound masks: Which fits best to you? (2019) -

Amazon If you are prone to acne, if you want a detoxification treatment or a peeling treatment at home, you can do it in a few minutes wi...

Best clay mask


If you are prone to acne, if you want a detoxification treatment or a peeling treatment at home, you can do it in a few minutes with a clay mask. Clay removes dirt, oils and other environmental contaminants from the pores while at the same time peeling off.

If you have a skin problem, cleaning and cleaning is more than a thorough cleaning. Although face cleansing brushes can help to improve the complexion, these devices sometimes irritate the skin when in the middle of an epidemic, leaving small tears behind and causing inflammation.

A clay mask can effectively and gently remove dirt and oil without irritating it. Bentonite clay masks are for those who really need a deep pore cleanse and suffer from clogged pores. Kaolin clay is softer but still very effective, and both clays have an incredible ability to refine pores.

Depending on your skin type, look for masks with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties for acne. If you want to detoxify, go to coal. Choose those that have natural moisturizers and plants to soften the skin if you have dry or sensitive skin. And if you're fighting brown spots or hyperpigmentation, take a look at those that make vitamin C, pomegranate and plum skin glow.

The best mud mask leaves a sublime and radiant skin with less black spots and fewer pockets and pockets. Once the tests are completed, your purchase will be simplified with our easy-to-use shopping guide that includes sound masks designed specifically for men and women.



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: The 11 best sound masks: Which fits best to you? (2019) -
The 11 best sound masks: Which fits best to you? (2019) -
Water Based Moisturizer
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