20 best moisturizers for oily and acne-prone skin from 2019 - Cosmopolitan

Imaxtree I understand that the last thing you want to do with your oily skin is to spread it with a thick, thick moisturizer. Just becau...



I understand that the last thing you want to do with your oily skin is to spread it with a thick, thick moisturizer. Just because you have oily or prone acne have skin, it does not mean , that you can completely ignore the hydration (or should), in particular because the right formula clarify brighten and cleanse your skin can. Then I put together the best moisturizers for oily skin, including light gels, matting creams and moisturizing LSFs.

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The best mattifying moisturizer for oily skin

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Mat Daily moisturizer for oily skin

$ 31.99

This moisturizer is a perfect combination for oily skin. Not only does it remove excess oil (through ingredients such as lipohydroxy acid and perlite), it also leaves a soft, dull finish that feels neither taut nor dry .


The best moisturizer for oily and acne prone skin

Origins Clear Moisturizing Enhancement Pore Cleansing

$ 34.00

Acne and excess oil often go together (the best of both worlds, right?), But this clarifying moisturizer kills two the birds Grains of a stone. The formula is enriched with salicylic acid (a gentle peel that opens pores ) and bamboo charcoal (a microfine powder with antibacterial and antifungal properties) to moisturize and treat your skin at the same time.


The best LSF moisturizer for oily skin

Mattifying SPF 45 broad spectrum for oil and pore control
Murad sephora.com

42.00 USD

Unlike this sunscreen thick which makes your oily skin oily, this moisturizer SPF provides light sunscreen that does not clog the pores of the case. The mixture of yellow wood bark formula and avocado extract also helps to control excess oil.

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The best moisturizer for oily skin

Paula's Choice Invisible Finish Moisture Gel

29.00 USD

Do you think creamy formulas are too thick for your oily skin? This gel moisturizer by Paula's Choice is a lightweight alternative that you will truly love. And with glowing and moisturizing ingredients like niacinamide and hyaluronic acid, it's a killer combination for its brown spots and acne scars.

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The best daily moisturizer for oily and acne prone skin

Avene Triacneal Day Mattifying Lotion

42.00 USD

It is not because you have oily skin that it is not sensitive . This gentle yet mattifying moisturizer is mild enough to be used day and night. So you do not have to worry about irritating or drying your skin with intense ingredients to remove the oil.

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The best night cream for oily and acne prone skin

CeraVe Moisturizing Facial Lotion

12.38 USD

Prepare to apply this light moisturizer every night (seriously, you will love it). The creamy formula contains no oil, is non-comedogenic and does not smell . So it's not surprising to know why they recommend it.

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The best moisturizer for oily skin and pimples

Caudalie Vinopure Moisturizer Control Natural Oil

39.00 USD

The main ingredient of this moisturizing cream for oily skin is grapeseed polyphenols, an antioxidant-rich extract that prevents excess oil from oxidizing and forming pimples (yes, seriously).


The best oil absorbing moisturizer

Differin moisturizing absorbing oil with sunscreen
$ 11.99

$ 7.90 (34% off)

This moisturizer, which contains SPF 30 , absorbs all of your skin's excess fat, leaving a soft, matte texture that does not dry out in the least. Oh, and it's also hypoallergenic and perfume free as it does not need to irritate oily skin.

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The best moisturizer for oily skin and clogged pores

SkinCeuticals Daily Moisturizer Lightweight moisturizer that minimizes pores

63.00 USD

This airy moisturizer makes your skin soft and hydrated (never sticky or greasy) thanks to a combination of vitamin E , seaweed extract and plant extracts.


The best pharmacy moisturizer for oily skin

Cetaphil Pro Oil Absorbing Moisturizer
$ 17.99

€ 14,36 (20% discount)

A firm moisturizer does not have to cost your full salary, as this selection of Cetaphil skincare products shows . Bonus: It's formulated with SPF 30 , so it's not necessary to put on the sunscreen (although, as always, it's a super smart idea).


The best light moisturizer for oily skin

First Beauty Skin Rescue Moisturizing, oil-free moisturizing gel

30.00 USD

This lightweight oily skin moisturizer contains a cocktail of impressive ingredients, including PCA zinc ( which helps to normalize oil production ) and lecithin (which moisturizes and minimizes the appearance of pores). , Translation: Your skin is in good hands with us.


The best moisturizer with salicylic acid for oily skin

Peter Thomas Roth Moisturizing matt oil-free transparent for acne
Peter Thomas Roth ulta.com

38.00 USD

It's no secret that acne-fighting products can get your skin out of control. This is where this oil-free moisturizer comes in: it contains salicylic acid to treat flare-ups and excess oil , moisturizing hyaluronic acid and soothing aloe vera.


The best moisturizer for oily skin and redness

Green tea Boscia moisturizer without oil

38.00 USD

This beautifully packaged moisturizer is able to eliminate Japanese green tea oil and helps to minimize the sebum production of the skin with each use. As an added benefit, it also has burdock root that keeps its oily T-zone in check .


The best moisturizer for oily and irritated skin

Cosrx Ultra Moisturizing Oil-Free Lotion

22.00 USD

Do you know these moisturizers that simply rest on your skin ? Yes, you will not get it with this oil-free formula: it's super moisturizing, and it's absorbed almost immediately into the skin.


The best facial oil for oily, acne-prone skin

Lapis Herbivorous Balancing Facial Oil

$ 72.00

Yes, yes, I know, it seems contradictory to apply an oil on your already oily skin, but listen to me: This 100% natural formula moisturizes your skin easily without weighing it down . It is also loaded with fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins to keep your skin in great shape.


The best moisturizer for oily and dehydrated skin

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Watergel
$ 18.98

$ 14.49 (24% off)

Yes, even your greasy and oily skin needs a proper liquid explosion. This incredibly moisturizing gel requires hyaluronic acid to be restored and hydrated without leaving greasy residue .


The best clean moisturizer for oily skin

Clarifying moisturizer Tata Harper

116.00 USD

Tata Harper's clean formula uses natural Beta Hydroxy Acids to gently exfoliate the skin, remove pimples and minimize the appearance of pores . Trust your oily skin that will love this moisturizer.

18 years

The best non-drying moisturizer for oily skin

Biossance Squalane + Probiotic Moisture Gel

52.00 USD

You have oily skin, but you hate the boring aspect? Try this moisturizer that hydrates and softens your skin without losing its shine . Note: The packaging is also incredibly cute.


The best luxury moisturizer for oily skin

Dr. Barbara Sturm clarifying cream for the face

215.00 USD

Therefore, this cream is far from cheap, but there is a reason for oily skin obsessed by it: The formula contains a unique combination of world grape vine (which relieves irritated skin and acne ), sunflower oil, rich in vitamin E and zinc regulating oil.


The best moisturizer for oily and swollen skin

Allies of Skin molecular multi-nutrient day cream

89.00 USD

Do you know those mornings when your oily skin looks tired and swollen? Get ready to trust this day cream that fills your skin with hyaluronic acid , niacinamide, which cleanses the skin, and a blend of antioxidants that boost your skin (think of caffeine, ceramides, and green tea).

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: 20 best moisturizers for oily and acne-prone skin from 2019 - Cosmopolitan
20 best moisturizers for oily and acne-prone skin from 2019 - Cosmopolitan
Water Based Moisturizer
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