10 moisturizers for skin care with herbal ingredients based on squalane - One Green Planet

Squalane is most likely a new term in its vocabulary, but it is not a new substance. In fact, squalane is recognized ...

Squalane is most likely a new term in its vocabulary, but it is not a new substance. In fact, squalane is recognized as one of the best oils to moisturize, keep it flawless, and protect it from the elements. How is it that not everyone has heard and used this magical product? If you practice a vegan or plant lifestyle, you've avoided squalane for a reason. This connection often comes from the shark liver, which makes it cruel and environmentally harmful.

Fortunately, research in recent years has shown that squalane (like most other substances) can also be obtained from plant products such as olives and fermented sugar cane. This wonderfully nutritious skin care substance is now also available in a vegan version!


Squalane "is a colorless polyunsaturated hydrocarbon liquid that occurs naturally in many animals and plants, including human sebum." If you haven't heard the word "tallow" it is definitely time to get to know each other. Sebum is an essential part of healthy, youthful skin because it is "one of the many natural lipids your body produces to lubricate and protect your skin". Those who suffer from acne, improve in general the health and reduce the sebum production, because "it is estimated that there are approximately 10 to 12 percent of their skin oil represents".

Squalane is a "very effective softening and natural antioxidant" and is great for hydrating, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, removing scars, removing freckles, reducing skin pigmentation, fighting free radicals and even reversing UV damage.

However, since some squalane products come from animals, it is extremely important to be careful about what you buy. Pay attention to vegan products, as only plant-based ingredients are used, which are normally obtained from olives, wheat germ oil, rice bran and fermented cane sugar. Here are 10 squalane skin care products suitable for vegans to help you get started!

1. Sweet Essentials 100% pure organic squalane vegetable oil Sweet Essentials 100% pure vegan squalane essential oil

Sweet Essentials 100% pure vegan squalane essential oil

This 100% pure organic squalane oil from Sweet Essentials is based on fat-free squalene, which is quickly absorbed, vegetable and olive green. This oil promises to nourish, increase cell regeneration and oxygen supply, improve elasticity, increase moisture retention, protect against sun damage and even prevent age spots. These unique benefits reduce fine lines and wrinkles, do not clog pores, fight eczema and psoriasis, and are ideal for sensitive, acne-prone skin. A 2-ounce bottle of liquid costs $ 15.99 .


Ella Belle said: "I am very happy with this Squalane brand and that it is made from organic olive oil. I bought a more expensive brand than I liked, but recently they switched to selling beet squalane. I don't know if it really makes a big difference, but I just wanted to go ahead with a squalane made from olive oil. I'm glad I found this brand on Amazon for a much cheaper price! "

2. 100% pure and vegan squalane oil of the same kind Naturally 100% pure and vegan squalane oil

Source: Equal by nature Squalane Oil 100% Pure & Vegan

This 100% pure and vegan Equal by Nature Squalane oil offers a completely natural, powerful and 100% vegan squalane product. This pure squalane oil aims to deliver maximum moisture without leaving oily residue. Equal by Nature is proud to offer a fragrance-free product that promotes skin suppleness for all skin types. A 30 ml bottle costs $ 14.99 .

Shannon Browne says "Excellent product. Used for my customers and for me".


3. Biossance Squalane + Probiotic Moisturizing Gel Biossance Squalane + Probiotic Moisturizing Gel

Biossance Squalane + Probiotic Moisturizing Gel

Biossance is a research laboratory in Berkeley, California that focuses on herbal and human skin care products, animal products, and by-products. This Squalane + probiotic moisturizing gel from Biossance follows these strict and environmentally friendly guidelines. Biossance offers a unique, non-toxic, paraben-free, ankle-free and tube-free fragrance combination, which is derived from sugar cane and the probiotic lysate lactococcal to improve hydration, reduce redness and relieve pore size. A 1.6-ounce glass costs 93, 00 USD .

Macleish says, "I was looking for a new scrub and a Sephora sales representative recommended it. I am very impressed. Leave your skin very soft and shiny. While you are on the skin, it can cause tingling (meaning mine Opinion that it works.) After about 10 minutes, apply the peeling gently with the cream and off you go. Everything in a perfect face routine. I'm in love! "

4. Vegan-Vegan Squalane Oil Swanson Swanson Squalan vegetable vegan oil

Swanson Squalan vegetable vegan oil

This Swanson vegetarian and vegan squalane oil offers a colorless, odorless and herbal moisturizer that can be mixed with your favorite hand and face cream or diluted with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil or olive oil. Swanson gets its squalane from natural olive oil. This product has been manufactured in accordance with good manufacturing practice and guarantees purity and effectiveness. A 2-ounce bottle of liquid costs $ 13.07 .

An Amazon customer says: "Dear, dear, love this product!" I watch young people, family members and friends constantly comment on how "I will never grow old"! Nobody thinks I'll be 70 in less than a year! Try it! You will never regret it !!! "


5. 100% pure squalane oil from bare olives 100% pure squalane oil from the bare olive tree

100% pure squalane oil from the bare olive tree

This squalane oil, which is made from 100% pure olive tree, is a natural skin moisturizer that uses squalane lipids that are naturally present in our skin. The naked sources of your squalane come from high quality olive trees that have been grown in a sustainable manner without pesticides or other contaminants. This mixture provides the skin with nutrients that promote wound healing, relieve irritation and sunburn and can replenish the lipids over time. A 30 milliliter bottle costs $ 14.20 .

Brittany says: "I leave a review on this product in the hope that it can help others as it has helped me. I wear this on makeup and the night after hydration and in the morning before applying it on my face It makes a big difference on my normally dry and sometimes flaky skin. It creates a healthy looking "glow" and a soft look. It is especially good because any other serum or oil I've tried irritates sensitive skin This squalene oil is completely natural, feels good and has never irritated my skin. Just a few drops for work. I can only recommend it!

6. Ordinary squalane, 100% derived from plants 100% vegetable ordinary squalane

100% vegetable ordinary squalane

This ordinary 100% plant- derived squalane is a simple squalene serum of plant origin that not only focuses on hydration, but also helps the skin maintain its hydration over the long term. Moisture retention increases skin flexibility and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Ordinary customers are warned that this product does not have a security seal. A 30 milliliter bottle costs $ 12.50 .

Nancy Lindquist says: "Light serum in a dark bottle. According to the company, cold pressed and not derived from animals, it can come from sea water or olive oil. I was a cosmetic formulator by profession and usually seems incredibly minimal but dead for the special skin conditions I have mature skin and acne, how disgusting I am fifty-three years old and no acne would be good but I have tried other oils they made me look honestly wet and dripping squalane is not like that. It is a bit fluid, be careful if you let go of it a bit, you don't need to press the tip, it will fall on your hand, it will be applied with clean fingers and can remain calm or rinse off with lukewarm water, then toning, no alcohol, no drying and no Sunscreen, still your nightly routine, I love the way it sticks to my skin, it's not oily and shine t be there before you rinse off i love it. "

7. Amara Beauty Squalane oil moisturizer with 100% squalane of purely vegetable origin Amara Beauty Squalan Oil Moisturizing Cream with 100% Squalane of pure vegetable origin

Amara Beauty Squalan Oil Moisturizing Cream with 100% Squalane of pure vegetable origin

Amara is a trusted brand that offers a variety of cruelty-free vegan products, including this Amara Beauty Squalane Oil Moisturizer with 100% pure vegetable squalane . This product is light, non-greasy and perfect for sensitive and acne-prone skin. With a vegan, cruelty-free, non-comedogenic mixture obtained from sugar cane, this product contributes to the increase and storage of moisture and moisture. A 2-ounce bottle of liquid costs $ 15.95 .

Judi says: "It is a light, soft and transparent oil that penetrates the skin. I use 2 to 3 drops on the face. One on the neck. If there is excess, massage in with tissue paper or a soft cloth. Then I add a small one add creamy moisturizer, then my liquid makeup base, mix well, I love the round red sponge to mix (old school suppose), polish it with light powder You have to use a very light layer, I love it if mine Wrinkles soften. I wish I had that when I was younger. PD: I put the whole bottle in a big short glass because I'm afraid of throwing the bottle on the counter in my bathroom because of a drip dispenser use it works better for me because I'm in a hurry. "

8. Kantora Squalane nutritious moisturizer organic olive oil Kantora Squalane Nutritious Moisturizer organic olive oil

Kantora Squalane Nutritious Moisturizer organic olive oil

This organic moisturizer with Kantora Squalane olive oil is a completely diluted facial oil that is extracted from plants and increases moisture. Kantora prides itself on using ingredients from fair trade and 100% organic. Use this oil not only on your skin, but also on your hair! This mixture not only moisturizes, but also repairs and strengthens the hair, restores the elasticity of the skin and reduces the signs of aging, such as. B. fine lines and folds. A 2-ounce bottle of liquid costs $ 19.99 .

martha l nowygrod says: "Squalene is used in skin care products as a very effective softening and natural antioxidant. In the past, it was used in the medical field to treat wounds and skin problems. Squalene can be used as an effective skin moisturizer. Once squalene has been absorbed into the skin, it acts naturally as an antioxidant. It is also good for the hair. Squalane is an extremely nutritious emollient that shares all the natural benefits of olive oil to improve and soften the skin. I have noticed improvements to my skin and hair since I started using this emollient three weeks ago. "

9. Biossance 100% squalane oil

Source: Biossance 100% squalane oil

This list would not be a good vegan squalane compilation without more than a biossance product! This 100% squalane biossance oil is obtained entirely from plants, is cruelty-free and contains no animal products. It is ideal for the face, body and hair. This product is also paraben-free, non-toxic, fragrance-free and ankle-free. Biossance obtains its squalane from sustainable and renewable sugar cane. This mixture moisturizes, relieves redness and relieves irritation. A 3.3 ounce bottle of liquid costs $ 46.48 .

Gordie says, "I like to smell it and it has no smell. I like the fact that it is made in the United States too."

10. 100% pure Squalane Timeless Vegan Skin Care

Source: 100% pure Squalane Timeless Vegan Care

The packaging is simple, just like this clean and pure Squalane product! This 100% pure, cruelty-free , vegan squalane for skin care derives its squalane from 100% pure olive oil. Timeless skin care promises that your product is not greasy, absorbs quickly and contains no parabens. This product helps to lubricate and protect your skin while reducing fine lines and wrinkles. A 2-ounce bottle of liquid costs $ 14.75 .

Susan E. Harper says: "After a week with this product, I am very happy with the results. I have aged skin with wrinkles and loss of elasticity. (My neck has its own plastic surgery savings account). Nothing helped relieve sagging red skin, and I have a closet full of turtlenecks. I look forward to cleaning my face and applying this every night. The texture of my neck is much better. If it is better, I can have a great vacation instead of planning a throat lift. My nightly routine now is to cleanse with cetaphil in the morning and afternoon, rinse with a warm washcloth, and apply squalane to my face, neck, chest, and hands. After a few minutes, I apply the Cerave moisturizer recommended by my dermatologist. It is super light and wonderfully moisturizing. This and the sunscreen (in my Cerave) is all I bring to Colorado. I dry a lot there, but I'm sure that's enough. I don't write many reviews, but I read them. This product is spectacular enough to guarantee time. Very good value for money. Fabulous product You won't regret risking $ 10 for a big bottle.

We also recommend that you download our Food Monster app , which is available for the iPhone and can also be found on Instagram and Facebook . The app offers more than 15,000 herbal and non-allergenic recipes and subscribers have access to new recipes every day. Look in here!

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Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: 10 moisturizers for skin care with herbal ingredients based on squalane - One Green Planet
10 moisturizers for skin care with herbal ingredients based on squalane - One Green Planet
Water Based Moisturizer
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