Just as you apply a moisturizer: because Derms says it's bad - The Zoe Report

At this time, skin care routines were easy. Cleaner, moisturizer, SPF, ready. Maybe toner, if you feel elegant. Nowadays, the basics of fu...

At this time, skin care routines were easy. Cleaner, moisturizer, SPF, ready. Maybe toner, if you feel elegant. Nowadays, the basics of funny things are overshadowed: essences, acids, blisters, serums, oils, mists, masks, and more, meaning that it's probably time to get back to basics. Starting with applying the moisturizer .

"Effective moisturizers do two things: moisturize the skin and maintain hydration," says Dr. David Lortscher, Certified Dermatologist and Founder of Curiology at Zoe Report. Moisturizers usually do this with one or both types of ingredients: moisturizers and occlusives. "Moisturizers bind to water and keep the moisture in the outermost layer of skin," says Dr. Lortscher. Essentially, these ingredients draw, including hyaluronic acid and glycerin, the liquid supply to. "Occlusiva form a barrier between your skin and the external environment, protecting it from moisture loss," says the dermatologist. Mineral oil, silicones, butter and waxes have occlusive properties and seal hydration. Both support the function of the natural barrier against the moisture of the skin .

Why is it important? Because a balanced moisture barrier is basically the key to your best skin. "Many common skin problems such as dryness, dehydration, sensitized skin, fat and acne are symptoms of impaired moisture barrier and can be repaired by repairing a barrier to damaged moisture," said a representative from KraveBeauty, who just launched his oatmeal moisturizer So Simple Water Cream brought the market to TZR. "Regardless of the condition or concerns of your skin, the key to keeping your skin's moisture barrier healthy, healthy, and functional is to provide your skin with moisture and moisture."

Then all you need to know about the basics of skincare, including your place in your routine, what ingredients to look for and how to maximize your hydration.


Apply your moisturizer to your serum

"I recommend putting the best products to the thickest , " says Dr. Devika Icecreamwala, FAAD , a dermatologist certified by the TCR's Icecreamwala Dermatology Council. "Sera tend to be thinner than moisturizers, so I recommend applying a moisturizer after the serum."

... and after your facial oil

"Occlusive ingredients form a barrier around the skin to seal moisture, so skin-care agents applied to an occlusive moisturizer do not penetrate the skin as effectively," Dr. Lortscher. , In simple terms, if your moisturizer contains oil, silicones, butter or waxes, it is best to apply it after applying facial oil . Otherwise, the oil will not get to your skin surface.

For best results apply to damp skin

"Moisturizing the still moist skin maximizes fluid intake," says Dr. Lortscher. This is especially effective if the humectant of your choice contains a humectant. " Moisturizers containing hyaluronic acid , which helps the skin extract water, are more effective when water is available for the moisturizing ingredient to adhere," says the dermatologist.

Set it up twice a day

"You can use a gentle moisturizer every day or as often as you like," Dr. Lortscher. "We recommend that users of the Kurology apply a moisturizer in the morning and evening after cleansing."

But it is not necessary to go too far

"One or two bombs are usually enough," says Dr. Icecreamwala. "You want to give enough moisture in your skin, but you do not want too much to apply and clog your pores ."

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Even oily skin needs moisture

"If your skin is dehydrated, you will not have water, and if your skin is dry, you will lack oil [sebum]," says Aly Korchemniy, founder of ANFISA Skin , Zoe Report. She recommends thinking of tallow and water like peanut butter and jam. "Your skin needs oil and water to be balanced," says Korchemniy. That's why it's important to maintain a constant hydration routine, even if your skin is naturally greasy.

Hydration can really make up for oil production

"Scientific studies have shown that when our skin is deficient in linoleic acid and consists mainly of oleic acid, the skin's natural sebum becomes thick and sticky, clogging pores and aggravating acne and various skin conditions." Korchemniy. Logic says, and dermatologists agree that adding linoleic acid to your skin care should help regulate your sebum level. "The regenerating balm LILOU contains linoleic acid- rich nutrient oils, " says the founder. "Essentially, this will help offset oil production for those who produce too much oil or for those who do not."

You can use a moisturizer with ...

"In water-based moisturizers , the first ingredient is often water," says Dr. Lortscher. "Part of this water will be absorbed by the skin and some of the water will evaporate in. Ingredients like glycerin and hyaluronic acid are commonly used in water-based moisturizers to prevent evaporation." Water-based moisturizers are generally lighter and ideal for use in warmer months or on oily skin.

Or an oil based moisturizer ...

"In oil-based moisturizers, all the ingredients dissolve in an oil base, and the first ingredient listed is often an oil," says the curating dermatologist. "The usual oils include occlusives such as petrolatum or mineral oil and plasticizers such as vegetable oils." These products are usually heavier, also called AKA, ideal for dry and wintry skin .

Or a moisturizing balm

The moisturized textured trees contain waxes, butters and solid oils and contain neither water nor fillers. "The reason why we do not include water-based ingredients in the LILOU Regenerating Balm formula is that oil and water should not be additional ingredients, such as emulsifiers, stabilizers and fillers that introduced the formula by adding between five and ten additional ingredients added just to emulsify the water and oil, "says Korchemniy. Because they contain fewer ingredients, balms tend to be cleaner, more concentrated and more stable. "We recommend applying moisturizer to the skin as our skin needs oil and water," says the founder.

You can even prepare your moisturizer

"Because Oat So Simple's water-based cream is so easy and safe in its formulation, it can be combined with anyone's skincare routine that does not cause any worries or concerns," said Krave's team. TZR on its watery product 10 ingredients "our founding love his fortune, as our mixed products based on glycolic acid or retinol Kale Lalu-Yaha, with the cream of water Oat so easy." This type of "cocktail" is best for thinner ones moisturizers.

These are the ingredients to look for

"Hyaluronic acid is an ingredient that is known to positively affect the appearance of wrinkles and the elasticity of the skin," says Dr. Lortscher. He is also a fan of aloe ("a basic ingredient known to soothe the skin"), shea butter ("which fills small cracks in the skin") and squalane oil ("a natural antioxidant") herbs that fight wrinkles without wrinkles ") "Radical", is also included in the water cream Avoine So Simple).



Water Based Moisturizer
Water Based Moisturizer: Just as you apply a moisturizer: because Derms says it's bad - The Zoe Report
Just as you apply a moisturizer: because Derms says it's bad - The Zoe Report
Water Based Moisturizer
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