Coconut oil for vaginal dryness: it works and how to use it safely?

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Coconut oil is a popular natural option for relieving vaginal dryness. Some studies suggest that coconut oil is safe for the skin and is an effective moisturizer.

Many people use moisturizers or vaginal lubricants to relieve vaginal discomfort and make sex more enjoyable. NAIL 2014 study The participation of 1,021 women showed that 66% of the participants indicated to use a personal lubricant.

Although there are several vaginal lubricants in the personal health room, some people prefer a more natural approach.

However, persons using latex-based contraceptives should avoid using coconut oil as a lubricant. In fact, the oil can degrade the latex in these devices, making them less effective.

In this article, we examine whether coconut oil acts as a vaginal lubricant, how it is safely used, and what risks and considerations it holds.

We also discuss other benefits of using coconut oil on the skin and some alternative options for vaginal dryness.

Coconut oil in a small glass next to towels and sheets. Share on Pinterest
Coconut oil is popular as a natural moisturizer for the skin.

Coconut oil is a popular home remedy for a number of health problems. Many people also use it to moisturize their hair and skin. Oil is also becoming more popular as a natural lubricant for vaginal dryness.

However, the effectiveness of coconut oil as a vaginal lubricant is so far largely unknown.

Some studies suggest that coconut oil is safe for the skin and can help with dryness. A study from the year 2013 , for example, examined the topical use of coconut oil for the treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in children.

The team concluded that coconut oil is more effective than mineral oil in treating the symptoms of atopic dermatitis such as dry skin. None of the children in the study had side effects on coconut oil.

The researchers also discovered that coconut oil:

  • Coats the skin to reduce water loss
  • helped to strengthen the skin barrier
  • It has supple properties, which means it can help to soothe and moisturize the skin

Scientists have not studied the safety or efficacy of coconut oil as a personal lubricant. However, several studies suggest that coconut oil is generally safe for the skin.

Anyone allergic or sensitive to coconut or coconut oil should avoid using these products on the skin or as a personal lubricant.

Before using coconut oil, it may be useful to perform a patch test. Rub a small amount of coconut oil on the inner skin of the forearm and wait 24 hours to see if there is a reaction.

Do not use coconut oil on the skin or as a personal lubricant if this causes:

  • itching
  • blush
  • swelling
  • Irritation or discomfort

To use coconut oil as a personal lubricant, apply it around the opening of the vagina and into the vulva. Apply the oil on objects that enter the vagina, such as. Penis, fingers or sex toys.

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A person can talk to their doctor if they have vaginal dryness.

Persons using latex-based contraceptives such as condoms and diaphragms should not use coconut oil as a vaginal lubricant.

Coconut oil and other oil-based lubricants degrade the latex in these devices, making them less effective and increasing the risk of unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections .

Vaginal lubricants can also alter the natural pH in the vagina, which may increase the risk of infection. People who are most susceptible to vaginal infections can talk to their doctor before using coconut oil as a lubricant.

There may be other safer options for people who are very sensitive to pH changes.

It should also be noted that oil-based lubricants, such as coconut oil, may be complicated to use and may contaminate clothing, undergarments and bedding.

Using a towel while having sex can help protect the sheets. People who use coconut oil outside of sexual activity may need to wear a panty or a thin pillow to protect their underwear.

Pure coconut oil is a natural moisturizer and contains no additional chemicals that can cause skin irritation.

Some studies also suggest that coconut oil has antibacterial properties that can help protect against infection.

For example a 2013 study He discovered that medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil can inhibit the growth of Clostridium difficile , a type of bacteria that can cause a severe form of diarrhea .

There are also practical benefits to using coconut oil. It's a thicker oil, which means it tends to stay on the skin longer and less reapplying. This can make coconut oil a cost effective option for personal lubrication.

Coconut oil is also widely used in health food stores and supermarkets.

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Almond oil is an alternative to coconut oil.

Other natural lubricating options are almond, olive, peanut and avocado oils.

There are also many different commercial lubricants available in pharmacies and online.

Commercial lubricants come in three main forms:

  • water-based
  • oil-based
  • silicone-based

Water-based and silicone-based lubricants are better for people who use condoms or latex membranes.

Some products cause irritation when a person uses them in the delicate tissues of the vulva and vagina. This includes:

  • Petroleum-based products, such as Vaseline
  • glycerine-containing products
  • baby oil
  • flavored products
  • Products with heating, cooling or tingling properties

Although the spermicide gel provides lubricant, it can sometimes cause irritation and have an unpleasant and chemical taste and odor.

People who are or already have menopause can talk with their doctor about whether they are candidates for vaginal estrogen . This can help to correct the hormonal imbalances that lead to vaginal dryness.

Coconut oil is a popular natural option for relieving vaginal dryness. Although there are no specific studies on the use of coconut oil as a lubricant for personal use, studies indicate that coconut oil is generally harmless to the skin.

Coconut oil can cause skin irritation in some people. Therefore, it is advisable to test the oil in a small skin patch before using it as a personal lubricant.

Since oils can degrade latex, people using condoms or latex membranes should not use coconut oil or any other oil-based product as a lubricant during sex.

A range of products based on pure coconut oil can be purchased online .

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Water Based Moisturizer: Coconut oil for vaginal dryness: it works and how to use it safely?
Coconut oil for vaginal dryness: it works and how to use it safely?
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